I'm just going to write a little bit on how to make your game ACTUALLY better.
Rationally its hard to resist the trinkets and other small, 'cute' code add-ons that prove to be a small distraction but what should you REALLY add to your game. Thats a question you have to ask yourself. Here are some things to avoid untill the guts of your game are strong.:

Adding 'cars' to your game
Adding currency
Special Chat Lines.

Basically, don't add anything that might make your game like anything else until your game is not like anything else anyone has ever seen. Once again, Do NOT put small distractions in your game until your game has a strong base. Now, if you want to learn how to make your game better, keep reading.

Step One:
If your game is like someone else's start off by asking yourself, "What do I hate about that persons game? What can I improve on to make my game better?" Now, sometimes its hard to code in something better than something someone else already has, but don't give up, the payoff is always huge.

Step Two:
Ask yourself, "What do I hate about my own game? How can I improve the weak elements? How can I make certain processes easier?" This step is crucial to fortifying your game. If you find something you hate about your game or something you KNOW you can make easier to use do it. Don't do anything else until you can do this.

Step Three:
Add variety. Not trinkets. Variety. Mainly, the things that you want to add are more of the things that are part of the core game play. If your lists become to big to easily access, make them easy to access. Theres always a way.

Now while this may seem like idiocy to some or I'm just saying what everyone else might be saying, the fact is its true. Please, if you're considering improving your game, try this process out. It will help you loads and save you a lot of time. It helped me. =D! Also, if you do get stuck theres always this forum ;D
