In response to CaptFalcon33035
The world.Export/Import functions do not work 100% of the time. It is an uninvited invitation, and may sometimes fail. It's not reliable, but one *COULD* just update the list, build in a function to block pager bans and always allow the owner to log in, and then manually close the server down after disallowing the user from hosting.

While your method would be more efficient, it could fail. The latter is inconvenient, but fail-proof.
In response to Ter13
pager bans are simple to bypass, it's the new daemon bans that give people trouble.
In response to CaptFalcon33035
Oooh... *searches the forums*

New feature! Win!
In response to DivineO'peanut
It has been discussed, BYOND staff/Lummox (>_>) is simply on the hosts-should-be-in-full-control side.

What you can do is implement a remote control kinda administration system into your game, then if the host thinks he's smart banning you you can shut his server down and make him unable to host anymore. :D
Problem: If the shared secret (the phrase) is discovered by a malicious user, they could wreak havoc.

Worse, anyone with the host files who knows how the system works could in theory figure out how to read all the strings from the DMB*, and from that guess which phrase is the shared secret (it would probably be fairly obvious). So a disgruntled host could seriously hurt you. Sure, you could ban them pre-emptively, but that's when they change their IP address and use an alternate key. Or get a friend to do it. Or even trick someone into doing it - there's gotta be at least one gullible player who will fall for the "if u say this in the game u will get gm verbs" ploy.

*The DMB is encrypted of course, so you need to figure out the encryption scheme before you can read the strings, but it can be done. It has been done.
In response to Kaioken
I agree hosts should be in control - But not when the host is selected by the owner of the game under the conditions that the owner can fire the host at will. When the host becomes an employee of the owner, he gives up his full control
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