I was thinking about this recently, and I noticed whenever I start a new project, I always gather a bunch of sprites first. I guess to me, I can map out the world in my head with the turfs I have.
How do you start a new BYOND Project?
![]() Aug 23 2007, 7:02 pm
![]() Aug 23 2007, 7:48 pm
The first thing I do, before I even open Dream Maker is write an extensive document on how I want the game to be. I list all the things I want done, in what order I want them done, and basically make my game on paper before I even write one line of code.
Mareth wrote:
The first thing I do, before I even open Dream Maker is write an extensive document on how I want the game to be. I list all the things I want done, in what order I want them done, and basically make my game on paper before I even write one line of code. That is what you do in game design (at least most of it IIRC). I try to do that or just jot some notes down in a pad quickly. |
I never start a project just for the sake of it. I wait until I've had some random idea sometime like 'Oo, perhaps a something-something-something game would be great?' then I jump onto DM and write and incredibly crude quick version of the game in my head, normally using stickmen and block-green 'grass' and just make sure it actually was a good idea, and whether the more difficult parts are possible or not.
If its all good in that department I scrap that Enviroment, ask a mate/girlfriend/parent/sibling what they think of the idea, and if they don't completely blank me, then I take it as a good sign and start making the game. |
Well, I start by opening Dream Maker...
Sorry, the corny joke had to come out, it just had to... Anyways, my very first step is generally a mental brainstorming of the idea... I sometimes jot down simple notes (especially if I don't think I can get to the project soon enough to remember everything), but I tend to simply pile up a bunch of ideas crashing around in my head, dying to get out... I never, ever, write out detailed documentation, though... My first step when actually working in Dream Maker, though, is almost always programming... I jump into the basic necessity/generic procs (like Login(), a Bump/Bumped system, and such) and then branch out to game-specific code... I'm extremely visually oriented, so very, very early in the project I have to draw up as many icons as possible, and make a map to wander around and test things... I don't use placeholder graphics, though... I draw the near-final-quality icons right off the bat, even if it slows initial development to a crawl... From there, everything grows together, more or less... For instance, I draw icons as soon as I program their corresponding atoms in the code... |
Open Dream Maker.
Use the icon-kit of 'smiley.dmi' and 'grass_mud_wall.dmi', which consist of 4 32x32 single-color icons. Type random code. Test, fix fix fix. Test, fix fix fix. Test, fix fix fix. Test, fix fix fix. (Repeat x59) Design the game/project. Give up on the idea. Delete source code and everything related. Repeat per week. See? This is why I never publish stuff! |
Sounds somewhat like how I do it, the last few steps :p
I can never stay dedicated to a project I start. |
LucifersHellion wrote:
Sounds somewhat like how I do it, the last few steps :p Three things that might be worth mentioning (for me at least): 1.) Learn to say no to yourself. You can keep adding on features for more than a human lifespan, so before you start prioritize what you really want in there and then cut the rest (save the notes, tho). 2.) Deadlines suck but are useful. They really push you to focus and cut the fat. 2a.) Use libraries. Don't reinvnt the wheel. Find a good and useful library. Learn what it can do and can't and then build on that. It will save you much time and effort. 3.) Only work on one project at a time. If you've got a great idea, write it down and save it, but don't lose the time you could use to finish your current project to start a new one. I'm crap at all three (especially 1), but I think they're valuable enough ideas that I keep working at them. |
I just start it, think about it and it just all comes natural from there.
If it really was a good idea then the game would be worked on for over 3 weeks. |
First, I get an idea, maybe it's something big, like a whole game, or maybe it's just something small, like something for a combat system.
Then, I expand on the idea so that it can be turned into a game. I go over everything in my head and make sure that every single detail is there; No gaps whatsoever. During this process, which can take as long as a few weeks, I do all of the graphics for the game. Then, once I'm done with the graphics and I have enough time and motivation at hand, I start programming. There are little to no slowdowns at this point because I have all or a majority of the graphics completed. If I have the motivation to keep on going, I typically finish 60% to 90% of the game within a few days. Then I start testing private, making sure certain systems and parts of gameplay are working. THEN, I start the public testing, to hammer out bugs, to fix balance problems, to add content, and to seek feedback. |
First, I find a lot of crappy icon packs to be used in the Alpha stage. Then, code from there. I agree, I cant design something if I cant see it as Im designing it.