Post-apocalyptic antizombie weaponry. Use with caution.
- Shotgun
- Grenade launcher
- Stinger/other RPG
- Automatic pistol
- Assault rifle (such as AK-47)
- Grenades
- Advanced tech weapons (If applicable) such as force cannons, sonic weaponry, etc.
- High-caliber pistols and rifles
- Moltov cocktails (alcohol bottle + dirty rag + flame = homemade firebomb)
I don't think a high caliber pistol/rifle would be enough though. Sure, it'll make a big hole, but the damage doesn't affect a large area (Most high caliber cartridges, like the .50 BMG, is for armor piercing, IIRC). Instead, I would go with an assault rifle whose round does a lot of damage to tissue, like the AR15 (5.56 NATO fragments in tissue), or the AK74 (5.45 Russian also fragments in tissue).
A Shotgun will definitely be effective against zombies, but I would imagine that one would need less than 12 gauge for the thing to be effective.
RPGs and Recoilless Rifles would be fairly rare. I don't recall any US made RPG that's in service. Sure, they have AT4 and M72 Recoilless Rifles, but those are single-shot recoilless rifles. There are the dozens and dozens of Russian RPGs though, RPG-2, RPG-7, RPG-16, etc...
Grenades and Molotovs... I would think that fragmentary grenades would be the most effective. Metal Shrapnel, IMO, is better than Glass.
Hmm... Well, my weapons would probably be:
1. AK74 or AN94 or AK107
2. Buzz Saw or Chain Saw
3. GP30 Grenade Launcher with 40mm grenades
I would have gone with a M16 with M203 combo if the M16 didn't require so much cleaning and maintenance. I don't want to be cleaning the gas system of my rifle when the b'tards attack.
I do on the other hand own one of those military compact shovels with extendable grip and serrated edge for cutting down trees and stuff. That might make a good weapon.