I've noticed, from searching around on the internet, and from personal experience, that people are creating designs for their RPG while they code. Instead of thinking it out before hand, they go the easier route and simply code as they develop it.

I've searched for a day or so, off and on, and am unable, to find a sample design template. What I mean, is a long long document that contains all the information of a game, defines the stories, characters, battle system, every thing. I could simply be looking in the wrong places, or maybe I'm just not competent enough to find them. My question to you all, is it worth going through the time to design a game before you create it? If so, I'd appreciate some help with creating a sample game design template. I believe if we all worked together and created one for BYOND, it could really help new coders and developers that are using BYOND.
i tend to plan out the basic ideas of a system before i start working on it, and then make the systems more in depth as i go along
no point in planning everything out in advance, unexpected events could cause your entire plan to be a waste
Michael3131 wrote:
My question to you all, is it worth going through the time to design a game before you create it?

I suspect most people who are creating RPGs simply don't have the experience to know what they can really do or how to do it. So for them, it would be pretty hard to make or stick to a design doc if they're not capable of building everything on there.

For a more experienced developer though, it would probably be a good idea. Personally I usually have a basic concept of what I want in my head, and I use "design docs" to put together formulas and lists for things that I want to include.
I think complete design documents can be a waste for solo developers. Writing out all of the ideas makes a project too boring to implement later. Solo projects are about staying motivated. I'll plan out game mechanics, but I save content for last so I can pop something new in whenever I feel like it.