I am currently creating a game based on the lives and cliches of pirates. Besides the Base Icon which I inadvertantly stole from Zerburius, it is all one hundred percent original, and Zerburius has kindly agreed to let me continue using his Base Icon.
The basic plan to it is that you can follow one of two paths; Commercial, or Combatant.
You can progess in commercial by; commandeering other ships and selling them, gambling, and searching for/looting treasure.
You can progess as a combatant by; fighting to improve skills and some abilities, or training to improve other such abilities.
My question is this; how should I include training? I want training to be fun, not too repetitive, but still repeatable. I hate hitting a Max-Level in Online Games.
I was thinking about mini-games, but all the ones I could think of that are actually half-fun relay on 'good timing' or a 'time limit' which is virtually impossible to do accurately on BYOND. The three statistics I want them to be able to enhance using training are Reflex (general speed, agility, bendiness), Strength (how hard they can hit, and how well they can take a hit), Flair (how impressive their moves LOOK, or FEEL. E.g. A double backflip incorporating kicks to the face.) and Terror (how much they can terrify their opponent in a fight).
I would really appreciate any contributions!
![]() Oct 12 2007, 3:17 am
What if there was a way to grind repetitively, especially at the beginning, but it offered little bonuses compared to active quests and mini-games which offered significantly better rewards. A player could sit there hitting the "Basic Punch" button repeatedly in a spar against some training opponent, earning a tiny tiny amount of Strength each time. Or they could put in the effort to (for example) push a round boulder up a hill to 'help' build a village wall and gain much more exp per second.
Also, about calculating the enemy position; the fighting in my game is turn-based so that makes it significantly easier to calculate for. ~Ease~ P.s. Thanks for the bump ;D |
I was thinking of some minigames for my game as well, and it really depends on your situation and topic. Mine, a harry potter one, I made a grass cutting minigame for extra cash(simple) and a capture the niffler game(for extra exp).
My suggestion to you, maybe have it where two ships bump they are prompted for battle or not. If they both choose battle. They battle on a ship like feild with fun interactive things to defeat the opponent(Cannons, swinging the sail and hitting people, opening the deck's trap door, climbing the sails) The person to make sure all the other members of the crew die(or faint) is the winner If one says not to battle, and the other says too battle, perhaps a chase sceen would ensue. So you could have 5 columns for the 2 ships 2 be in 1 would be in the back, 1 would be in the front ____________________ | | | | | | | | |S2 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |S1 | | | |__|___|___|___|___| S2 = Fleeing Ship(The one that said no to the battle) S1 = Persuing Ship(The one that said yes) They battle would continue till S1 would run out of their stock of cannon balls. Untill then it would carry on till one died or that point. So they could go from one column to the next trying to hit/dodge eachother. Just some friendly suggestions [email protected] Dion |
That's a very interesting idea! I already have a battle system in place for if they both say yes, but your chase scene idea was very intriguing! I'd like to explore how possible it would be to program when I next find time, but I won't use it without your consent! Thank you for the ideas!
One question about your game though; can you really see Harry and Ron walking around Hogwarts cutting grass? They have a huge magical ability, and hippogriffs, flying brooms and whatnot. I'm sure they could find a better/more interesting way of making money? Not trying to insult your game in anyway, I just thought I'd put forward some constructive criticism as I thought of that immediately when I first read your post! Thanks again for all the help! ~Ease~ |
Ya, Im just looking for some sort of mini games >.>. I would file the Cutting Grass game under Herbology or something, make it fit the Role Playing. Anyways, you can have any consent you want for the idea. I was just randomly thinking. If you want to contact me its [email protected]
First of all, a game with no grinding (repeated actions) on BYOND is almost unheard of, and it would be very hard to pull off correctly.
Second, the double backflip punch to the face thing would be hard to pull off as well. Iconning would take a master at .dmi's to draw, and placement of the enemy would be hard to calculate, unless they were standing still.
Third, a game with no grinding AND minigames is even harder than just a game with no grinding, because mini games are essentially grinding in a disguised form. Most of the time they arn't fun, and I think if people can't take a consistent amount of time to do each one, they will become overly frustrating and leave your game for one in which they can increse their standing at an even rate.
That being said, I think you should make a game that has the pirates doing all of these actions, and their skill level in each respective area would increase depending on how often they did each action in it's respective field. Have a few different actions relate to the same field, and that will take away some of the bore. For instance, bar fights will increase strength but so will fighting a bunch of pirates that are trying to board your ship. Flair is gained by doing crazy moves but also by talking up the ladies in town, etc...
PS- you're welcome for the bump