War of Worlds comes out today! Pwnt. Gonna go see it around 5, maybe I'll get some work done before I go out.

I've been working on a more design-efficient map transition area tile for T:CN. The ones we have now make you specify coordinate range of where the person will land, which is tedious and overbearingly why I don't like mapping, despite my skill.

So, I decided to make a system where an area has specified target, and at New() it finds the targets and adds them to a list. Then when a player mob enters the area, it picks randomly from the list of targets and sends our mob there. Well, hah. Sounds like communism, perfect on paper, hard to implement... Or maybe I'm just blind. But yeah, I can't seem to make it add the multiple targets to a list, say there's one origin, two targets, it only adds the first target to the list. As with most things, I'm probably just overlooking something so I'll get it in a few days.

This stuff should have been done long before I inherited this project. It seems it never goes anywhere because we're always fixing up the past's mistakes. Gah, damnation and hellfire to all half-assed programmers, no names mentioned.

Another thing I'm working on is a code free version of the game so that maybe we can draft a few mappers to help speed up that process of the game.

As it stands, we're in need of a couple things:
-Original/exclusive music compositions
-Icon artists who can work with a base icon to produce avatars with diversity

Blah, anyway, I've said too much.
Yeah, there is someone I know who wants to see it, going to ask her out. The advertisments are not that great but the name enough should get anyone in there.
Meh, I could help icon in my spare time, though depending on how many you need and when you need em.