Dec 7 2007, 11:43 am
Hmm, I thought about this for the longest time and I never really consider which one would be better for the player. Everyone knows that gaining experience is the fun part of games, and leveling up is the greatest joy. But what about before all that. Before you even picked your character, what would be better to base your stats off of? Race? Class? Element? Clan? Guild? Or maybe two out of five or three or maybe just one. What do you think. Leave me a reply so I can hear what the people have to say?
In response to Tubutas
Hmm, ok that helps me out with starting my game. But I don't know yet because there is still a few thing I'm fuzzy on.
I think that you should base the stats on playstyle
Give differend classes differend stats so they play different but are equally strong. Give races slight playstyle bonusses, for example make dwarfs extra tough so they are a popular chooice for tankers. That's what I'd do |
In response to Fint
Well, that is the basics of all game play normally different stats for different categorys so it chances the playstyle...
Also thats the only reason to have clans/races/elements is to use that for the basis of their stats.
-Yeah i know i went on a tangent-