It's RTS PvP. Let's say I have 3 obj/unit instances Me1 Me2 Me3, and you have 3 obj/unit instances You1 You2 You3 on the map.
The whole map is lit. The game uses images to show the positions of our units to ourselves, but right now neither of us sees the other's units.
I select Me1 and a target turf. The unit begins to walk towards the turf. Along the way, Me1 enters a turf/stick near the left edge of the map. A random roll is made against Me1's sneak skill and fails. The stick snaps and makes a sound.
You1 and You2 happen to be within a certain range of the turf/stick so they can hear it. A random roll vs their awareness skill and they both notice the sound. You3 is too far to hear it.
Question: As a gamer, which would be more fun?
1. Most suspense: Play a snapping sound that is panned left (based on position of turf/stick to your center view). There are lots of sticks lying around, but it at least hints you on the X axis. So you have to do some problem solving (which units are near the left? are there sticks near them? is this a mistake or a deliberate trap to flush me out?)
2. Some suspense: Play the sound and briefly place 2 images that symbolize sound over turfs adjacent to You1 and You2 towards the turf/stick (let say in this case you see a sound symbol S of You1 and SW of You2). There are multiple sticks in that area, but at least you get a hint of general area of the sound. Still some problem solving (are there any sticks nearby in the general direction from those units? etc)
3. Least suspense: Play the sound and briefly place an image over the turf/stick that made the sound. You no longer wonder where one of my units is, so you can now decide if you want to attack or wait for more info.
My opinion: I'm leaning towards option 2 and I am open to other approaches if you know of something more fun.
Feb 22 2008, 6:45 am
In response to Hazman
Excellent points. The test between sneak and detect would be a must for designs that include such units. It could also be a way of simplifying ECM vs EECM in high tech games. For games like mine that involve lower tech units in closer range, I want the turf to be a factor, so how quiet you move depends on how sneaky you are modified by the type of turf: dirt, leaves, sticks, puddle, etc. This is probably a very minor aspect of a game until you are down to just a few remaining units playing hide-and-seek for the final shots.
In option 1: If I'm surrounding a hidden unit which says 'na na boo boo', the sound would not be relative to my units, but to the center of my client's view. You mentioned 2D sounds. I like that idea for all 3 options, always centered by the client view, not any particular unit. |
The enemy can still set traps no matter which option you use - all they have to do is snap a twig in an area surrounded by quiet units.
[EDIT] Having said that, Jagged Alliance 2 uses option 2 and it's one of the most fun games I've ever played. Of course, in JA2 you're just a bunch of mercenaries and not a sophisticated military force so that may sway your decision.
[EDIT 2] Additionally, if your forces are spread out a lot then option 1 doesn't make much sense. If you have a unit surrounded (but don't know it's there) and it makes a sound, which direction do you have the sound come from?