Feb 24 2008, 10:47 am
How would I go about accomplishing pixel collision when involving multi-tiled objects? I know how to do it for small objects, but I have no clue how to do it for huge objects( objects that consist of more than 1 atom, multi-tiled objects).
In response to Ripiz
Well I've used that library for creating the multi-tuiled objects and their movements, but I don't think it supports pixel collision. It's for tile-based movement thus doesn't support pixel collision.
That's a big, big problem. should get you started. Suffice it to say that I don't think anyone has even attempted it on BYOND yet. |
In response to Jtgibson
Yeah, my game ran too slow to be playable after just implementing pixel movement. If you want pixel collision, you're using the wrong language.
In response to Foomer
I decided I'm going to be using a simple method of 'Rectangle' collision where each object is considered as a rectangle and the boundaries are set. I basically just check the boundaries then.
Kakashi24142 wrote:
How would I go about accomplishing pixel collision when involving multi-tiled objects? I know how to do it for small objects, but I have no clue how to do it for huge objects( objects that consist of more than 1 atom, multi-tiled objects). If you want I have such a system completed already and it works flawlessly. IT isnt exactly formatted to be a library but it would be easy to tweak it. Its meant for the community source im kickstarting and its really quite neat. It handles projectiles and mobs of any radius. (hit detection works as circles from a center point) |
You also could go with Theodis's .bmp converter. So it makes any large type image techniquely 1 obj to be dealt with, So if you have pixel collision with small things it will be the exact same thing, and works alot better than multi tile.
In response to Jtgibson
I hope this helps