Thinking hard on what I created in fortress wars, my new game that is slowly growing..

I been wanting to add new moves that barely any games have. Sure I have my fire ball, FEAR of Death, and Pamamo, but i need and maybe Something more!

My coding skills has increased enough if you tell me to code something, I can actually do it. As you see, I haven't asked for help in months because I learned how to make odes from hand. Heck, I even wrote on a piece of paper at school due to the fact I knew its coding.

But I am asking you guys. What would be a great idea for a PVP.

Im asking about what I an do to my enemy. I want to be about do a lot.

Well even now im getting great ideas! Give me yours! :3
Dandonfighter wrote:
As you see, I haven't asked for help in months because I learned how to make odes from hand.

Didn't you ask for help over a week ago?

But I am asking you guys. What would be a great idea for a PVP.

Can you provide a bit more information? I'm going to assume you're looking for users to give you ideas for your in-game techniques, but I have no idea how your game functions or what it's about.

What kind of gameplay does your game have? I don't want to make suggestions for a MOBA or turn-based game if it turns out to be an active RPG.

What kind of setting? I don't want to make suggestions if the idea doesn't fit with your game. I'd find it strange to have a jolly pirate learn techniques that revolve around sacrificing goats for buffs.

Listen. Its a simple PVP with auto attack and knockback.

The game consists of blasts and other attacks such as fireballs.

Any suggestion would be fine.
^not very descriptive sir
In response to Dandonfighter
Random brainstorm, hope it helps.

Blood Aura, deals x% damage back at attacker. +1% damage each level.

Frost blast, low damage but slows enemy by x%. +y% damage & +1% slowed per level.

Stone Skin, increases defence by x%.

Snake Spit, deals x amount of damage per second over s seconds.

Rose Water heals x health per second over s seconds.

^ That does help

Guys, his is design philosophy! We are suppose to be you know, thinking of things that has never been done before in any Byond game! things that make a game great.

And hmmm...stone skin :3
Dragon-riding, flamethrower-wielding vikings fighting a race of nomadic demons who wear cupcakes as armor.
In response to Dandonfighter
Dandonfighter wrote:
^ That does help

Guys, his is design philosophy! We are suppose to be you know, thinking of things that has never been done before in any Byond game! things that make a game great.

And hmmm...stone skin :3

Glad to be of assistance.

thats a good idea
In response to Dandonfighter
You'll get farther by throwing out the idea that you are going to make something that has never been done before.

You'll get farther by aiming higher than BYOND. Don't try to do something you haven't seen on BYOND. Make something fun for people even outside of BYOND.

A game full of things you've never seen on BYOND doesn't mean it's a good game. It could be complete trash. You have to make a fun game regardless of what you put into it. Hell, it could even be a completely un-fun game if you make it engaging.
Albro makes a good point. Games are iterative. New games come about when someone says 'Hey I really like this game but I reckon it would be cooler if it had x y z in it'.

Trying to be original for the sake of being original is a waste of time. Make something you enjoy and it doesn't matter if you can think of something similar.