src.icon = 'mob.dmi'
var/MOtD = "Have fun, enjoy the game, and follow the rules!"
usr << MOtD
mob/GM/verb/set_MOtD(txt as text)
MOtD = txt
world<<"new MOtD = [MOtD]"
Its fast, simple, not alot of code, and any GM can readily change it to incorperate any short term player problems that a player would need to know upon logging in
Also, instead of setting the message to a single line, it may be nice to have it multi-lined, just change
I wouldn't send this to the whole world, probably just usr.
Lastly you might want to save the message to a file so it doesn't get lost after reboots. For this, look up the file2text() and text2file() procs.
You got the right idea, these are just some small suggestions to make everything better