right now i have which is super basic i want something better ny suggestions?
var/damage = src.Str-M.Def
I saw this somewhere, and I like it:

var/damage = rand(attack,-opponent.defense)

If the score is zero or below, no damage is done.
In response to DivineO'peanut
DivineO'peanut wrote:
I saw this somewhere, and I like it:
> var/damage = rand(attack,-opponent.defense)

If the score is zero or below, no damage is done.

Wtfs thats horrible =o
it basicaly gives you a completely random number for damage...
and it can indeed go below 0 <.<
In response to Falacy
The idea here is that even if someone's statistic is much higher than his opponent's, the opponent will still have a chance of success. So, if your defense is much higher than my attack, I could still inflict damage on you sometimes.

Also, the chance of success becomes more balanced when the two statistics are closer to each other. If my attack is 50 and your defense is 50, I have a 50% chance of dealing damage to you.
In response to DivineO'peanut
Lexy mentioned this method once and I've been a fan ever since for the reasons you mentioned. (Speaking of fandom, SHN is back!) I'm thinking of using it in my tactical war game, Flesh and Drone, at some point. I'd probably put the lower number in the rand() proc first though. ;)

As for Falacy's comment, I think that DivineO'peanut was describing a further step in the algorithm rather than the raw damage value. =)