Title. I'd like to know.
I figure this is a design philosophy question, and such. If it isnt, move it. Thanks!
It works excellently, as you don't have to worry as much about lag as you would in a real-time system.
In response to DarkCampainger
I see! Thanks for the quick reply.
Turn base works fine, look at all the pokemon games although pokemon battles are very slow stil lanswers the question does it not?

Also BYONDChess i think its called.

and a quick search TurnBasedBattleSystem
In response to A.T.H.K
A.T.H.K wrote: TurnBasedBattleSystem

Getting a bit off topic, I'm fairly sure that used to be my turn based battle system demo I made many many years ago (which is long off the hub now). I'd suggest not using this (for the joint reason that a random guy added some odd code, and I'm not particularly proud of that demo)

These two demos are rather horribly programmed, so ditto for these ones as well, steer away.
In response to A.T.H.K
I'd suggest my Turns library, which I have used myself in multiple games. I'm also going to release a simultaneous turn library at some point, but I'm thinking of making some minor tweaks to turn it into a general phase handler which could also be used for an asynchronous turn pipeline.