So I recently just upgraded to the current byond version and upon editing one of my games maps I realized that the bmp images I placed down lost their transparency.

Now I remember that back in 3.5 you could just fill gray as the background color on your bmp and it would be transparent, so was that removed or did that color change?
Why are you using BMP files exactly? DMI files support transparency (as do PNG's; DMI = PNG) and their a lot smaller.
420 wrote:
Now I remember that back in 3.5 you could just fill gray as the background color on your bmp and it would be transparent, so was that removed or did that color change?

There is no longer a mask "color". Instead, alpha-transparency is used.
In response to Jeff8500
And the worst part about it is the stuff takes forever you compile
In response to Jeff8500
So I should use PNG instead, and it should be transparent if I use that same transparent color in dmi's?
In response to 420
Yes. BMP is a horrible format to use anyway, as it's huge.
In response to Kaioken
Ok, I cant figure out how to make my PNG transparent when I add it to my map. I've messed around with some colors but none of them seem to work. Can someone upload a png that has the needed color value to make it transparent?
In response to 420
You need to change the alpha of the parts of the image you want to change to transparent.

George Gough
In response to KodeNerd
How do I go about changing the alpha?
In response to 420
You need to use an image editor that supports alpha transparency (Paint does not). Google it, or even search around this forum, there have been a few topics with recommendations.