My situation is that I want to be able to effect color changes, starting from blue, going into white, to yellow, and finally ending in red.
There would be about 70 distinct color changes, which I could hard code if it really came down to it. In the meantime, I'd like to see what others thought might be a good way to approach the problem.
I've considered starting at RGB 0,0,255 and add 25.5 R and G to the mix until it hits white. From there remove 25.5 B until yellow is achieved, and then remove 25.5 G until red is achieved.
It strikes me that this may be better suited for HSL than RGB though. I found one library that might help [MobiusEvalon.colourfunctions] but I get the following error when trying to download it:
Downloading Colour Functions (9989 bytes).
Failed to download data (HTTP server returned unexpected status: 404 Not Found).
Thoughts and/or suggestions?
As far as the transitions you suggested, It won't make any difference whether you use HSV or RGB since blue⇒whiterArr;yellowrArr;red can all be done with RGB blending just as easily. Because you're modifying only one or two channels and in a uniform manner, HSV would give you the same results. Where HSV is best used is when you're blending between disparate colors like red and green and want to keep the same brightness, where strict RGB blending would give you a darker gold color when you reached the halfway point between red and green.
Lummox JR