Okay, I've got a few questions to ask all of you concering basic RPG gameplay.
1) Should solo-play be supported? I'm currently thinking WoW-style, soloing your way up is totally possible, though moderately difficult, and all dungeons require a group of at least 3. When you're in a party, you get a bonus (About (mob.exp/10)*((src.party.members.len+1)*5)). I feel this is a bit low hoever :o
2) About Dungeons. Instanced (As in, everyone gets their own copy), or Free-For-All? Currently leaning towards FFA, though it'll get a LOT of whining.
3) Should current XP be visible? I always liked the idea of leveling without knowing how far progressed you are. That way, people just continue doing whatever they're doing for exp 'till they finally reach the new level.
Result depends on person to person, one might be more motivated to keep playing for a little more time (and a 'lil more.. and a 'lil more) till the next level, and another might just say "Screw this, God knows how much time I'll be spending here".
4) Elements. I'm liking the idea of elemental weapons, Fire having bigger affect against Earth, Water against Fire, that sort of thing. However it might be demotivational if you, as a new player with low funding, notice you need ANOTHER type of elemental spell / weapon to finish off these mobs. I mean, they're not needed, but the boost they give would be 50 - 100%. It might make stuff more confusing, but I'm liking the possibility.
5) PvP. In the game I'm currently creating, all players start out in the same kingdom. I've currently got no plans for a "dark side", though it's definitely a possibility.
However, having 2 sides might lead to unbalanced numbers, so I'm sceptical. I'm currently leaning more to a "Enter a PvP Area to PvP" instead of All-Around PvP because it just doesn't fit nor is it any fun. (Think: Newbies. Newbie protection is fine and dandy, but even when they lose it, it'll be demotivational, up tonerdrage, upto ragequit.)
Soo.. Your opinions?
![]() May 2 2009, 4:28 am
I only have to say something on the whole PVP part.
Yeah I may have been playing Ragnarok too much, but why not have it to where you have to challenge the player to a PVP and then if the one accepts they battle it out right there and their attacks don't hurt anyone other than the opponent..? OR have maps switch between normal and pvp style and to let people go in there they have to switch from "No PVP" to "Yes PVP" in the options menu..? It would allow for one-on-one pvps and allow for certain dungeons or rooms to be pvp areas for a massive pvp war, then if you got into say guilds you could do the instanced thing and teleport all of them to a little map of their own (depending on the sizes of the guilds for bigger/smaller maps) and have them go at it until either one side is all dead or the leaders call it a tie or whatever. |
1. Solo should always be possible, but difficult, which creates its appeal. Not only can you prove that you can do it on your own, but you can do it on your own against all odds. That makes you awesome, the lone guy at the tavern that everyone admires because he can take care of himself.
2. Free for all. Its more fun when you can encounter other people doing things in there. 3. If you have a roleplaying game, XP should be invisible or nonexistant. In a stats game, just leave it out in the open since half the people will want to be staring at it all day anyway. 4. Elements - cliche, don't care what you do. 5. PvP - depends on the type of game you want to make. |
1) Solo play is always fun. Game will be on BYOND so don't expect many people online for every time zone, solo play will be a must
2) I think there should be unlimited copies, like if person enters it alone, he stays there alone, but if he is in party, any party members entering dungeon, will enter same dungeon. This will let people solo either party it 3) Seeing exp is always good thing, as people can compare which monster gives more exp, which less and so on 4)I'd say one element being over other element isn't good, I'd say it's better if people would have resistance to every element separately 5)PvP Areas or Duel Arenas should be fine, if people want more some mass wars can be added |
Ripiz wrote:
1) Solo play is always fun. Game will be on BYOND so don't expect many people online for every time zone, solo play will be a must To 3 - I would do something like;
stat("Xp: %",(xp/mxp)*100)
showing them only the % instead of the real number, makes it more trivial lol. |
2) If your game is turn-based, FFA is simple (because each battle is basically instanced anyway)... in a real-time game, FFA can be pretty irritating depending on how you have things setup. However, making things instanced is somewhat complicated, so it would depend how hard you want to make things for yourself.
3) In some way shape or form, yes. I'm sure someone could come up with a solid arguement against it, but typically people want to see some progress being made from the work they're doing (constant feedback). Whether you show the exact amount they have, or just a bar that fills up, there should be something...
Can't quite remember where I heard it, but someone said (roughly), "I don't care what I have to do in a game, if I can do something do make a little bar fill up, I'll do it."
4) I'm a fan of having some sort of elemental modifier. Again, it would depend on how you have things setup, but in general I'd think that a certain element wouldn't be needed to kill something, but rather help the process along, at lower levels anyway. At higher levels you could probably get away with a fight where you need a specific element though.
5) I'm a PvE'er at heart, so I'm not a big fan of having a massive freeforall PvP thing happening... PvP arenas, or areas is fine, but people running around questing or whatever should be able to do it in peace.
Yeah, I know ganking low levels is fun... but you have to be reasonable!
There's my opinions... enjoy