Hmm,well first of all,low lvled people usually get killed alot by the high leveled people,and since this happens alot,then people would be having to remake very often.
I think that when you die you should respawn rather than remake,because if not,then players are maybe gonna get tired of remaking all the time.Well that's my opinon.
Personally, I like the Dead Rising type of death scheme..... You could make it so the player has a choice to either "remake and collect the full insurance", or to "respawn and lose 10% of their money or some items". But that's just my opinion <.< I don't matter <.<
VolksBlade wrote:
Hey guys, I am the Owner of Star Wars: Clouded Fate Star Wars is a very action/battle/war oriented series so id reccomend the respawning system IF the game is very stat/item/level oriented(it takes time to be someone in the game). But if its an action/fighter pick up and play type id go with the perma death(delete char name from server after death automatically, so if one wants to use the same name, or you could make it so it deletes player information kills/deaths/multikills/score/achivements/whatever and youd have to start over but with same char). There are many ways you can do it but in the end, make the game you want to play, then add/change things you dont like afterwards. Just make a fun game, good luck! |
Bragging Rights wrote:
Getting shot at is not fun... It is, in games. It wouldn't be as fun if you could shoot people but couldn't be shot back as well; the game would be too easy and boring. Challenge is fun. Of course, YMMV. Chances of that happening are very slim... Generally, not in a game, unless it's a bad or unbalanced game. Or you can't aim. <:D <small>joke</small> Realistic? 1 shot your dead(or lead u towards further shots = dead). yay? Probably he didn't mean generally realistic in every aspect (duh - realism isn't always good, that's what this thread is all about) - like anything, realism in games is also good only in proportions. What he probably referred to was a game being realistic by delivering a more authentic and immersible mafia experience, not a replication of real life and real life guns&death mechanics. |
My preferred option is incapacitation over death. This being Star Wars, at one point can you no longer dump somebody in a vat of bacta and bring them back (perhaps with a few cybernetic replacements)? Incapacitation is very much an option for the lore.
It adds an interesting element to the idea of realism in that there's a difference between defeating and killing. It can be also leveraged into a neat moral choice: the enemy is at your mercy, shall you spare them, or choose to take a step closer to the Dark Side by finishing them off? Regardless, it's just not nearly as big a cognitive jump to say, "you just happened to shoot him in such a way as to defeat him but he escaped and will be back later" as it is "you shot him, he's dead as a doornail, but he got better or he has a planet full of vindictive cousins." |
Getting shot at is not fun...
Chances of that happening are very slim...
Realistic? 1 shot your dead(or lead u towards further shots = dead). yay?
And for the topic, well faking it in games is the only type of faking that is fun for everyone.