Do you want a dbz game where you can customize your on character,(choosing your own skin, hair,race,etc) or do you want a game where you are born as the dbz character( Like if you choose a sayin, your icon will be either have to be trunks,vegeta,goku.. and the rest of the sayins.[an exapmle will be DBZHU])and you only choose the race?
My DBZ style... would be the missionary, style... right... style... not stance...

Joking aside, I am a huge fan of customization... but it depends what you are going for. If you are making a RP (role-playing) game, then you should go with the 2nd choice.
In response to GhostAnime
role playing?? does that mean that that you live the life of the character? If it does then i dont think that will be fun, but its what you all think that matters to me.
In response to GrimmJore