For instance:
//PX, being the new pixel_x, as you cannot use the real one, or else it will never reset when it reaches 32
if(src.PX >= 8)
src.PX-=8/*what this does is set the BRAND SPANKIN' ~*NEW*~ y when the PX is above 8*/
if(src.y == O.y)
if(src.pixel_x+(src.px-src.width/4) >= O.px-O.width/4||src.pixel_x+(src.px-src.width/4) >= O.px-O.width/4)
src.px -= O.width/2
src.pixel_x -= O.width/2
That's the Position proc(if you can read), it basically just positions you on the objects you've just landed on, or bumped into(landed on for the other half of it) that way you cannot float above/fall through dense objects.
However, things go screwy. For instance, it will bump me if I'm pixels, and pixels, and pixels above it(about 128 of them to be exact).
Would(at this point, this question makes me think this should go into how-to, I can't tell, it has both of the criterion of Design Philosophy and Developer How-To met)
using a y which is based off of 8x8 tiles be more efficient than a y based off of 32x32 ones. If so, how would I implement it?