I am working on a Science Fiction game, but I have stumbled across an issuse. In this game there will be:
Hunting of world animals, using guns, knifes, and explosive.
Collecting of plants, mineral, and animal skins.
Player versus players with melee and ranged weapons.
Perhaps Robotic Suits of armor to control(Mech Suits).
Lots of Enviromental detail and interaction.

The mouse will still need to be able to interact with certain objects in the enviroment like computers, click players to scan them and not shoot, scan animals and materials without shooting, clicking a terminal to activate it, and other world interaction things as such.

I am wondering about how to do the movement.

Use the mouse to turn the character and directional pad to move him? This enables better aiming support for guns but doesnt feel as good and I didnt know if I would lose other mouse functions.

Just directional pads using basic N, S, W, and E? But this limits movement and aiming.

Remember I am looking for the best way to try to simulate aiming and movement. Realism is key, I understand that there is only so much realism through a keyboard, but you should understand what I mean.

If you have any ideas at all, rather you think they are dumb or brillant, please inform me on here, perhaps we can help others also. Thanks for your time.
WASD in one hand for controlling movement. Any other macros needed can be placed around WASD.

The other hand is then left entirely free for the mouse and aiming and so on.

I still don't get why people have difficulty figuring this out. People only have one right hand, constantly switching from arrow keys/num pad to mouse is annoying.
You cannot move the mouse (unless the person is left handed), so why not move the arrow keys/num pad controls instead?
In response to The Magic Man
I didnt know if there would be input issuses using wasd in byond. I am aware of it being a better movement method but.. id there any issuse with having that and still trying to say .. type.. say Hi.. I dont believe it would work.
In response to V3RR3Z
Have the chat input only activated if you press Enter like on 99% of MMOs out there >_>
In response to Spunky_Girl
Seems like a plan.
So, just to 100 % clearify, Mouse is used for tuning and aiming, w,a,s,d for n,w,s,e and Enter being used through a macro system for conversation?
In response to V3RR3Z
Go for it... It's your game, dude. I just gave you how other MMOs handle macros. It's up to you if you want to do the same.
In response to Spunky_Girl
No other nifty methods? I was trying to do something different
In response to V3RR3Z
Other than not having any chat whatsoever, no.
In response to Spunky_Girl
That would ruin the purpose of Multi-Player. Thank you.
In response to The Magic Man
I still don't see why people think WASD movement is a good idea. Yes, let's encourage only lefty's to play the game. Or actually, even most lefty's think it's a retarded idea because SO MANY KEYS ARE NEAR WASD.
In response to Moonlight Memento
Moonlight Memento wrote:
I still don't see why people think WASD movement is a good idea. Yes, let's encourage only lefty's to play the game. Or actually, even most lefty's think it's a retarded idea because SO MANY KEYS ARE NEAR WASD.

It's actually more advantageous to right-handed users, as using the mouse generally takes more hand-eye coordination than pressing a key (which anyone even slightly skilled at typing can do with either hand). It's also more comfortable, as the distance between WASD and the mouse feels more natural than that between the arrow keys and the mouse.

Furthermore, having many keys near WASD is part of the point, as it allows quick access to many other functions without requiring the entire left hand to move.

Although, I'm sure some left-handed users would appreciate the ability to switch to using the arrow keys, just so their hands aren't so close together.
Keep in mind that you can track both left and right clicks. So, if you don't need the built-in right click verb menu, you can use left click for basic interaction, and right click for aggressive interaction (shooting, attacking, ect depending on what they have in their hand)

If you want to make players vulnerable from behind, you could implement a turning system where two keys turn you left and right, and two move you forward and backward. You could then limit interaction (aggressive or otherwise) to objects in front of the player.

Faction Wars by D4RK3 54B3R is a good example of such a system. It even moves the camera forward so you can't see behind you.
In response to DarkCampainger
I can use the arrow keys MUCH better than WASD with left hand... and I'm a righty. Two, click movement > WASD < arrow keys.
In response to Moonlight Memento
Moonlight Memento wrote:
I still don't see why people think WASD movement is a good idea. Yes, let's encourage only lefty's to play the game. Or actually, even most lefty's think it's a retarded idea because SO MANY KEYS ARE NEAR WASD.

The distance between WASD and the mouse is by far more comfortable than it is from the arrow keys. Moving the keyboard to it's more comfortable to use the arrow keys makes in-game discussion difficult, as you either have to move the keyboard back or type at a lean, which is again difficult.

The arrow keys on my keyboard are surrounded by a grand total of nothing. So if I wanted to throw a grenade, crouch, kneel or walk slowly, I'm essentially stuffed. I'm afraid I can't bind Numpad-0 and R-Ctrl to the many functions I use when playing games. It also essentially ruins me if I want to strafe and walk slowly, provided I don't bind walk to R-Ctrl.

I don't know about you, but when I'm playing games, I use: Q, E, R, T, F, G, C, V, X, Z, Space, L-Alt, L-Ctrl, L-Shift, Tab and ~ as well as WASD, L-Mouse, R-Mouse, M-Mouse and MouseWheel-Up/Down. I have absolutely no problems coordinating my left hand to do this, and I'm very much right handed.

(I also bind P and L for World Chat and Team Chat respectively, mostly because I'll move my right hand from the mouse to type, so it can hit them on it's way to it's position on the keyboard.)
In response to Moonlight Memento
Moonlight Memento wrote:
I can use the arrow keys MUCH better than WASD with left hand... and I'm a righty. Two, click movement > WASD < arrow keys.

As far as PC gamers go, you are in the minority. I believe most of them know how to use a keyboard, and are used to or prefer WASD (for example, a large majority of AAA PC titles utilize WASD, particularly those that also involve mouse controls).

Also, to blindly suggest that click movement is better than WASD in all situations is foolhardy. In any game that requires aiming (such as the one the OP is designing) it would be amazingly frustrating flying the mouse between the position you want to move to and the area you want to fire at. Not to mention the inevitable miss-clicking where you walk to where you want to shoot.

You've given nothing but unsubstantiated opinion; at least offer some examples to support your claims.