![]() Feb 3 2010, 6:57 pm
Everyone has a different oppinion on what fun is, when you think about it you realize that it's not such an abstract question. Think about your favorite game. Why is it your favorite? And don't say "it's action", I'll slap u virtually :D. For me my favorite game is" tank wars" ( remixes and origanol) . Some of you may ask why. Well, it's easier to ansewer for those who have played the game. I like blowing stuff up. I also like getting rewarded for blowing things up. Less agressive people may enjoy building things and simply being proud of what they built. For this category I believe icon ultima is the best. Now to a different topic.I dislike games that bore me. For example: my life as a spy. AMAZING game but, it is boring delivering packages. I felt like a mailman. Resident evil ( byond version) knew how to keep my attention. Play it to find out why. Another way to "ruin" your game is to frusterate the player.most online action games are frustrating at first. Some games have an " adapting difficulty". Most action games on byond do not have this feature. Ask yourself why. Now we get into the purpose of my post. Many games frustrate players and I hate seeing it happen. I would ask everyone bored enough to read this entire article to add something to thier game that removes the frustration
I think games that give the ability to customize your character in great detail can be fun. Various paths, each with neat abilities/items that the player can work towards unlocking. Just that challenge, and the feeling of achievement once you get there.
The game should also be easy to understand, but hard to master. |
Customisable charactor falls under the "building" category. I believe that the many paths to take would remove boredom, the feeling of achievment is of course rewardation. Hard to master would be frustrating to many so I must argue there.
Most of the things you say you enjoy collecting would definately fall under the rewards category, however, collecting charactors? This falls under the category but intrests me. I agree with your losing items permanently, this definately frustrates players, I've never played ffta, but perhaps there is a way to realisticly lose weapons temporarily.
i think what makes a game fun is constantly getting new abilities. that keeps the game fresh and makes your player feel empowered as the game progresses. especially if you came from being a level one newb with "hackey slash" attack to a level 50 B-A** with "Hammer Of Thor" Strike.
just my two cents |
In Fire Emblem (I think) you could get characters galore. It was pretty cool. Also there was one game, I don't remember what it was, but you could get any NPC in the game to join your team. Also, in White Knight Chronicles I've heard you can build your own city, and ask any NPC to come and live in your town. They bring their wares with them too! It sounds awesome. Sadly I don't have a PS3...
Something I find a lot of games are lacking terribly is an actual Environment and Physics.
Environment: Give your turf/area a little more life, even if it isn't a place full of life. I fail to see any "real" weather factors in any game except the very basic in Harvest Moon: Trinity Ranch by WildBlood. The rain will actually water the ground. If it's winter time, it'll change the ground and nearly all turf icons into a snow-covered turf variant. Let's take, for example, an RPG. The world may contain trees, and water, mountains, and grasslands. But where's the spark? If I were to journey through a jungle, I'd expect to see snakes, various looking trees that have movement with the wind, and the etc. IF I were in a grassland area, I'd expect to find patches of grass a bit more wild than others. Flowers, weeds, animals, bugs and etc. As for NPCs, I don't recall anyone I know of that will stand in one spot doing one action for the rest of their lives. If I play a game, I want to find NPCs with a variety of actions, phrases, and responses. As well as interaction with other NPCs or the environments. Don't tell me it's impossible to accomplish or it will cause lag, because if done properly, it's a very small bit of lag if any at all. I wouldn't want to see a Barber NPC stay inside a building 24/7. Add some excitement and some reason for players to stay, even if it's for an extra 20 minutes. The more clever ways you can keep your players staying, the more publicity you gain. As well as a growing community, which can (or cannot) be an advantage. Physics: I wouldn't expect some super-cool, pixel integrated rag doll physics, but c'mon... When you punch someone, MAKE it a punch. They need to have a bit of a kickback or something. When I shoot a bullet into a wall, I expect it to cause an indent. If I used fire and it hit a tree, I expect it to flame. Let's say you have a weather system already integrated, okay. Now lets say it rained for 2 game-weeks straight, where is the water? I don't think the ground is made up of sponge. At least add some puddles or something. Once again, it's not a huge lag issue if done right. But yeah, I like games where it's fun to fool around with the game itself. I mean, look at GrandTheftAuto for example. Despite the fact that people become bored with the story and sand-box after a while, they like to pull of amazing stunts and whatnot. Also, playing a game such as Fable II on the XBox360, I find they had the right idea in making the scenarios, areas and whatnot. Just my opinion. EDIT: Also, I'm a fan of games that allow the players to build upon the world. Yes, if the community is lame it will potentially backfire. But! I feel that it's a great way to learn what the players and fans want to see in future updates. When you give them the ability to interact with your project in a way they can inspire new features and whatnot. The first example that came to mind (since I'm discussing with someone about a Building System), is the ability for players to need supplies and can build their own houses, buildings, trees and etc. Give them an allocated lot of land marked off by some sort of visual aid (flags, rocks, lighter/darker ground turf, etc.) and see what they come up with. |
Yeah, that doessound epic, I have no ps3 either, I'll never understand what's so great about them. I prefer the retro graphics byond and the wii are good at.
I agree completely with the enviornement section, even in the first games I've made, I had a tree generation system and bugs flying around and eating others(these were not made with byond, however) but still could be made with byond likewise
I hoped this thread would take a more generic approach, I'm not much of a fan as far as rpg goes. Most of these games bore me. For this reason I cannot agree or disagree
Most of the suggestions could be geared toward any genre.
Dariuc posted i think what makes a game fun is constantly getting new abilities. that keeps the game fresh and makes your player feel empowered as the game progresses. especially if you came from being a level one newb with "hackey slash" attack to a level 50 B-A** with "Hammer Of Thor" Strike. Yeah, this could be an RPG, or replace hackey slash with pea-shooter, level with stage, and "Hammer Of Thor" Strike with double barreled shotgun and you got a shooter. My suggestions on collecting things could be the fundamental aspect of a survival horror game. It all depends on how you look at it. |
i wasn't really talking about rpgs. I'm talking about any game in general.
super mario brothers introduces fire flowers, star men and other power ups. sonic had speed enhancements. sure rpgs offer new magic and spells. but action games offer new ways to kill enemys,whether strategically or straight out by force. as i said, giving the player new skills continually ensures they keep playing because they begin to feel like they are a force to be reckoned with. also it's a valid reason to keep increasing the difficulty as well. New, more challenging enemies to test their game playing abilities with. |
Gigimoi wrote:
I guess skills just screamed "rpg game" to me And that's why I spend most of my time spent on video games, to be on First Person Shooters. Because the only skills (besides the fact of computer performance, latency and whatnot) you have are your physical skills to react in real-time. |
Story lines, actions that affect the path your character walks. Interaction with NPC's. Strategies and goals you got to accomplish.
not really true.
mass effect that game that had "bullet time" (forget the name) Red Dead Revolver and (the game where you stop time, rewind it and fast forward it.. name eludes me) all of those have skills on top of a first person or third person "reflex" type game. Game developers use skills to enhance gameplay in all kinds of ways. Also a powerup is a kind of skill. If it's something limited that tips the scale in you favor, it's a power-up. Such as grenades, rocket launchers and the like. All power-ups to make the game more interesting, which in itself is sort of a "skill" that your character has access to occasionally. |
On the other hand, I hate losing anything permanently. It's just me being a sore loser, I know, but it just sucks when I've gotten a great piece of equipment, and some monster walks up and either steals it or breaks it in some way. This happened a couple of times in FFTA, and it's so infuriating. I'm not sure if it's because all the time I spent getting the item is now for naught, or simply because my collection is no longer complete.
I'm sure this doesn't appeal to everyone. Hell, most dungeons crawlers are purposely designed to simply be live for as long as you can, like nethack. Action games rarely let you keep anything in between plays. Anyway, just my 2 cents :)