Okay, so as a team we have worked on developing a game called simply, "The World, Life".
It, started as a submission to Iccusion contests, and hopefully well be in a workable state by that time. It still needs lots of icons done, but, those will come soon.
What it is: The World, Life is a simulator of life. You start at the age of 18, in the year of 1900. (All Data is saved onto the host.) You can choose to go to college or start working. Now the world is blank when players begin, so they are looking basically at a map of grass, mountains and other assorted turfs. Now I know the world was much more well developed by then, but for a sense, I have chosen that date. You start off with a random amount of money, enough to get you going, and a grant of money to either go to a college or go to a low-class job of your choosing.
Togethor I hope to develop a sense of role-playing, as players are able to open shops, develop governments, neighborhoods, all with the help of Land-Bot.
What is Land-Bot you ask, it's been the focus of our team of coders for most of the time we have worked on it, it is an AI system in which we are programming hundreds of possibilitys into, so that when a new player makes a charecter, a random amount of Land-Bots are created, with diffren't roles. So If Player A makes a charecter, maybe 4 land-bots were generated, one's role is a 34 year old, grocery store worker. So that land-bot well be moved to another npc land-bots store, and well work there. Another could be generated as a child. These are basically robots to make the game seem fuller. So When 30 real people are on the game, you might fine 300 robots.
Okay, back to the game. If a player chooses to go through college, it takes game time, blah, blah, blah and time out of there life. But during that, there will be NPC's in the college giving you classes to attend and such. SO when you come out, your intelligence level well be higher, giving you offers for an npc to emply you, or a real player.
The game is based all around building a fucntional world, where players develop laws through the poltician class, and enforce them through the law branch. The game will emply many story-liners, which are bascially chosen players who are dedicated to a chosen area to keep anyone person from gaining to much power. They have abilitys like mute, boot, punish, and jail, they are truly alot like police.
Okay, now to classes, at the beginning of the game if you don't choose the option to go to college you can go at a later time, yes, but,you will be asked to choose a class, such as worker, buisness, politician, public services, blah, blah. And through that you gain sub-classes and such.
Well, that's it screens aren't a big option right now, since it is a self-developing world, it's tough to post a screen.
Jul 10 2006, 12:50 pm
Jul 10 2006, 1:02 pm
This sounds really cool i hope to play it when it out
By reading this, i can clearly indicated that you somewhat took my idea...i knew i shouldn't have told anyone...great, now i'm going to start a flamewar *sighs*
Took your Idea, sorry, wasn't your idea a futruistic world or somthing like that?