I understand how in a lot of games, some nice looking pixel art or GFX menus are made to wow the player with fancy looks. This is fine, it adds another element to the game in the aspect of "how good is it's interface" or how player friendly it is.

How would you go about this though? There are a few methods, such as swapmaps so that players can have their own menu or character creation screen. Other ways include a sanctioned portion of the map that players visit and are able to click or activate in order to continue on to the game, this is how most game do this. A few games use a screen overlay to give each player their own menu, but this can become cumbersome when adding or removing these screen overlays, should a large sum of players log in at once.

I've been trying to develop a different way to do things, maybe even making it into a "menu" library.

imagine that you have a sanctioned portion of the map, as usual, but inside of having objects with icons on it, instead, this area is blank. You then attach image objects to the points on the maps that you'd like to have the menu buttons or images appear, then you display it to that player.

This allow you to use one portion of the map, while allowing it to change it's image objects, displaying to the proper recipient, to the appearance of screen objects.

It's a bit hard to explain why this is beneficial, but I'll try...

I've noticed that sometimes, especially with isometric maps, that the size of the icons on the map in comparison to screen objects, differs slightly, in some cases of course. As a result, using screen objects can sometimes appear to be inconsistent with the map, or that they're larger, effectively reducing the amount of space you have to work with, making detailed buttons or images difficult.

However, image objects on the map could solve this, as they can be displayed to specific players, like screen objects, but still maintain the same resolution as other objects on the map.

I like this thought and am going to develop my games' menus around this idea. What are your thoughts, any alternatives or other methods?


I'm going to be making a menu system that uses images, displaying to specific players. what are your thoughts on this method? (read above before if you're going to rageface.)
Personally, I've never really liked those fancy menu screens like that. They're just to unprofessional for my taste.
I prefer a nice, organized and clean popup box. That's just me, though.
In response to Kumorii
Kumorii wrote:
Personally, I've never really liked those fancy menu screens like that. They're just to unprofessional for my taste.
I prefer a nice, organized and clean popup box. That's just me, though.

You best be trolling, boy.
I do like using images or screen objects because they scale with the other graphics displayed on the map. They look nicer but are more difficult to manage. I prefer to use HTML. It's much easier to change how a menu looks using HTML and CSS than using icons and screen objects or images. You can easily use some JavaScript to create glitzy mouseover effects too.

I guess it really depends on how the menu will be used. If I wanted the game screen to still be visible and usable while the menu is open then I might consider using screen objects. That way you don't have to worry about whether the map or browser has the focus. If the menu is going to take up the whole screen then it's much easier to use HTML and just show or hide a browser control that is over top of the map.
In response to Hiro the Dragon King
That made me lol.