I have finally gone and switched keys. For almost as long as I have been on BYOND I have been known as Scoobert.

Scoobert worked as a nice name when I was younger. It gave the impression of both a child like spirit and the intelligence of someone who's name ends in bert. But I have grown out of that name.

For the past few years I have been in search of a new name to go by on the Internet. Everything I thought of was taken or was just a bad choice.

So, what resulted was a name that is truly one of a kind. Danial.Beta

Danial.Beta came about after trying to find a suitable name for my Picasa web album. I needed something that would tell family and friends that this was mine, while not giving away too much info about myself. I tried many combinations of my name, all where taken. Danial.B, D.Bull, Danial.Bull(I decided that one was not that great), and out of all of them, despite having a very unique first name, Danial.Beta was the only one not taken. If you haven't already guessed, Beta is just a stand-in for B. You can call me whatever you want: Danial, Beta, Danial B, Danial Beta, That guy, or whatever.

I am hoping that this is an overall positive change, but only time will tell. I also have not decided as to move to guild to my new key, or just start a key for the guild(like a smart person).
Hi there, [whatever]!
Don't switch keys. =(

Somehow, if people switch keys, they always seem different to others. 'Scoobert' rules!
i agree with O-matic.Dont switch!
Heh, there are just too many issues with using Scoobert. More and more my personally life and online life are merging. I need a name to reflect that. Danial.Beta does that well.

Don't fear, Scoobert is not gone forever, just mostly inactive. I know it does change the way a lot of people see a person, I still don't read Jt as Spuzzum... and Spuzzum was an awesome name. Changes like these are common-place, but always a little much. This is a necessary change, but not a complicated one. Granted, new people will have troubles associating me now with me past, but I am going to work on a few things and I hope that anything that made Scoobert memorable will soon be overshadowed by Danial.Beta.

I am best known for my work with Flash in DS, which has recently taken a new chapter and I am brewing up a tutorial on some new info. This will really be the first thing that should come to mind when you think "Danial.Beta". It is what Scoobert was popular for and now that will be passed along.
Well, if you really feel you need to switch keys - then who am I to stop you? Good luck, scoo.. Danial with all your future plans on BYOND!
You can call me whatever you want: [blah, blah, blah] or whatever.

Hello, Scoobert. :)
Hello, Scoobert. :)

That works too.
You must've put much thought into this. That key was created like 13 days ago. Or perhaps you decided it then, and you just wanted to wait until the BYOND Membership was processed?
Well, I didn't create the key the second I thought of the name. I was actually trying out other keys.

I was going to go with just Danial on byond, but it was taken, and oddly enough not by me(I really thought I had forged it, but come to find out it was not associated with any of my email addresses).

I have been using the key on and off for the 13 days, but I didn't want to make an official announcement until I had the membership for it. The Danial.Beta name came up about a month or two ago, but didn't instantly become a key.

That was my first use of Danial.Beta.

P.S. Check out my DS-Lite and my close to "the guy who lives with his parents and owns cats" it is not funny. Perhaps one day I will break my love for cats, but that day is not today!
/me takes more pictures of his cats.
I am best known for my work with Flash in DS.

And lets not forget TBG.

@ Says,
Just can't let me forget that, can you :P.

But really, TBG has been the base of my BYOND programming for a lot of years. TBG came, then a half-rewrite for TBChat, then a mostly rewrite in FlashChat, then a complete rewrite for B-Net. But it all has its roots in TBG. By most means, however, TBG failed. Perhaps it was my greatest failure, and I mean that in a good way.