![]() Jun 11 2011, 1:06 am
It seems even though Byond can handle 32 x 64 automatically, I'm not seeing people utilize this more in games. Many are still using 32 x 32, is their a downfall to 32 x 64 or are people not using it for a reason? What do you think?
![]() Jun 11 2011, 2:39 am
Unless your doing an Isometric game, its harder to utilize non-square images. You also have art stiles to consider, as well as availability of artist that can do higher resolution graphics.
I think it's a combination of the people who have been here a long time are used to 32x32, and then the people who steal work only have 32x32 pixel art from which to steal. Some games take advantage of different icon sizes, though. NEStalgia I believe is 16x16. I know Casual Quest and Regressia are as well. Decadence I think is 64x64, although I could be mistaken.
I'm using 32x64 in my game. There are a few problems with "foreground/background" stuff, but other than that I like it alot.
I've been sucked in by 16x16 for quite awhile now. It's really just to ease mapping out, tiling and all.
I'm terrible with making icons. Slowly getting a bit better tho. I may try starting with smaller ones since you mentioned this.
Bigger sprites = more/harder work, especially for the artist(s). Also, BYOND can go a lot bigger than 32 x 64, I don't know why you think that's the highest it can go.
i think what he means is. the biggest without needing a library to fix the problems of movement and impact
Unless it's been updated to support moving icons more than 32 pixels wide, maybe we are thinking of something different. If that is the case "thats all you had to say." :)
Many updates ago, BYOND received native big icon support, with the additional ability to edit .dmi files up to 256x256 pixles in DM. You can set a custom icon size for the game to use through world.icon_size( either a number ex: 64, or "32x64").
DuelMaster409 wrote:
I don't know why you think that's the highest it can go. I knew it could higher than that. Wide Icons like 64 x 64 didn't work right without any form of coding, only one square would be dense out of the whole thing allowing part of me to step on a wall. I was simply saying when Byond had a 32 x 64 icon it automatically made the top tile nondense and set it's layer to default mob layer. I can go up to 100x100 and not have any problems with movement or impact. At least, last I checked. Is that possible? I read in the "Help On" section in dream maker and found this under Big icons , "It is important to remember that using a big icon is a visual effect only. It will not affect how the atom bumps into other atoms or vice-versa. " I'm not sure how it worked for you, but using wide icons without using any special code still doesn't seem to handle density correctly for me. |
That's for specific mobs, if you adjust the world icon size however, that adjusts it for all mobs, and so the standard bump logic applies.
Alright, define world.icon_size as any number(>=256) and then replace every thought that you having involving the number 32 with whatever number you set as world.icon_size. Nothing changes. You don't have to do any extra work as a programmer. No more though required.
i get that. what i meant was. say you define the world icon size as 200x200.
then you make a monster that is 400x400, you would still have to code in some stuff to make it work correctly. RIGHT? in other words if you make the world mob equal to x, all other icons have to be smaller than or equal to x otherwise you will still need to do additional code |
Dariuc wrote:
you will still need to do additional code Are you afraid of coding? It takes more than art to make a game. |
um... I'm quite aware that there's more to a game than art. I've coded a near fully functional game , the majority of which by myself. The problem is the coding isn't totally reliable for big atoms. for instance slight lags in the joint movements can make whole pictures break apart slightly.
Really detracts from the game if you don't have the proper coding support for Bigger Icon files. However, if you can set the world image size to one size it wouldn't matter. which, i was informed you can. |
Dariuc wrote:
um... I'm quite aware that there's more to a game than art. I've coded a near fully functional game , the majority of which by myself. The problem is the coding isn't totally reliable for big atoms. for instance slight lags in the joint movements can make whole pictures break apart slightly. No need to argue you guys. Besides, Anyone (even someone who's not a experienced coder) can find a resource to handle larger icons. So no one's "scared" to code, we were simply discussing non code related ways of handling it. |