I'm currently working on the interface element of my project and have hit a bit of a wall. Initially I was hoping to allow resizing, but with the current design in mind I can't seem to get it to work. I was planning to place the input and output boxes within the HUD, when re-sized it distorts horribly.
Maybe I'm just struggling with anchors but this is one part of the design I wasn't planning on turning into a time sink, so instead I figured I'd use my "ask the community" lifeline, and I plan on putting a similar poll on my blog. Would you still play a game that didn't allow full-screen capabilities, or would a window-only mode deter you? I plan on making the window large enough to be enjoyable, but sadly it wouldn't work with 800x600 resolutions (and really who uses that these days?).
Aug 30 2011, 4:52 am
Aug 30 2011, 5:14 am
I don't play multiplayer games in fullscreen anyways. If I couldn't play in window mode I wouldn't at all.
I personally would not mind not being able to play on fullscreen. Windowed mode is just fine.
In all honesty, most Flash games out there don't have this capability, and they are still inmensely popular! As for determining a proper resolution for your game, you could take a look at a recent Hardware survey performed by steam, which can be found by clicking here. Under July 2011, click on "Primary Display Resolution" to see the most common resolutions. Personal note: While 1920 x 1080 seems to be the most popular/common resolution (over 20% of steam gamers have it :0), I think it's far too big for a BYOND game. I generally settle for a 1000x600 window; sure, it's an unusual ratio, but it will fit into most monitors, and you will have plenty of space to work with. Also, from what I've seen/felt/heard/experienced (NO SCIENTIFICAL OR STATISTICAL BASIS AVAILABLE), a good portion of BYOND gamers are actually using older computers or laptops (since if you're stuck with an old computer and you like playing games, you might as well use BYOND... right?), so I don't know if the statistics and percentages from Steam's survey will be fully "representative" of BYOND's "userbase". |
In response to Gooseheaded
This was immensely useful, thank you. With BYOND in mind, the only resolution I don't plan on sympathizing with is 800x600, even most older computers used these days should at least allow 1024x768.
I'm glad this fullscreen issue isn't going to be game-breaking for me it seems. And kudos on the flash reference, I didn't even stop to consider. |
In response to GreenMonkey
Apparently, up until (or at) July 2002, 1024×768 was the most common resolution for computer monitors (click for source).
I personally feel much more comfortable playing/working with windows that are much wider than they are tall, just because everything nowadays is widescreen (but you do know that widescreen resolutions feel mroe naturally comfortbale because of our eyes' positioning, riiight? ;) ) For instance, while 800x600 follows a 4:3 ratio (square SQUAAARE, uuurngh), I think that having something slightly wider would make it more comfortable, hence the 1000x600 preference; plus, that resolution also fits within a 1024x768 monitors (1000 < 1024, 600 < 768). But, yeah, in the end, it's up to you to define what to use. 800x600 isn't bad, although it really does feel outdated and oldschool. |
I would really suggest working with anchors a little bit. They aren't that complicated and *usually* auto setting them will do what you want. Another option might be to make skins in various resolutions, and have an option for the user to change between them.
In response to Jmurph
*cough* auto-anchors never are right for me, I do them manually all the time.
Here's how I do it. The perfect option.
mob Assign this to a macro such as Ctrl + F which I do. Now the player can choose fullscreen or windowed at will. Why leave such a make or break feature to chance? |
In response to Kyle_ZX
But with that it would also appear that you would want a globally fitting resolution as your base and when your fullscreen thing goes to work.. IF you set up the anchors which aint hard should take care of it all.
But yes that does seem nifty i guess but yea Alt+Enter is so much more win then Ctrl+F.. since alt enter is also the globally used command for window moding most games. :D |
In response to Zaoshi
Auto-anchors have never worked for me either. Not really sure what scenario would make good use of them.
In response to KetchupKid
Anchors don't work for me either way, I can't find a map size that will fit all full-screen sizes properly. My output and input boxes are on the map itself surrounded by a HUD, and I can't find a way to anchor everything to scale properly. A window mode would be the best approach IMO, as this is one element I don't wish to spend a majority of the design process on (I have other things that are more important to my design).
I appreciate all of the feedback however, but unless you can find a logical way to anchor the input and output boxes to scale with the map and not the window, I don't see how I can allow full-screen capabilities. |
In response to Midgetbuster
Midgetbuster wrote:
But with that it would also appear that you would want a globally fitting resolution as your base and when your fullscreen thing goes to work.. IF you set up the anchors which aint hard should take care of it all. While it's true that the default hotkey for fullscreen in a windows application is Alt+Enter.. It's debatable as to what players actually find easiest or even just acceptable. I believe that I don't and I would assume that you don't represent all gamers so I wouldn't really be interested in discussing that aspect. My personal opinion is that it is insignificant but each to his own. |
In response to GreenMonkey
GreenMonkey wrote:
Anchors don't work for me either way, I can't find a map size that will fit all full-screen sizes properly. My output and input boxes are on the map itself surrounded by a HUD, and I can't find a way to anchor everything to scale properly. A window mode would be the best approach IMO, as this is one element I don't wish to spend a majority of the design process on (I have other things that are more important to my design). If you're incapable of using Anchors then why did you ask if you should use full screen? It's obviously not possible for you. There is no map size that will suit dynamic sizing. You must not use "stretch icons to fit map" and set the icon size to your current icon size or double it for a closer zoom, etc. I think there should really be a tutorial for fullscreen mode. If I had the time.. |
In response to Kyle_ZX
Well that was a pretty rude response from someone who obviously didn't read my initial post.
Initially I was asking if people would be deterred from a game if it lacked full screen capabilities. Also, I'm not incapable of using anchors. It seems that regardless of the map ratio, it will never scale 100% to fit everyone's window size. My chat system is integrated into the HUD, and sadly I can't anchor the output and input boxes to the map in place of the main window. If I'm incorrect in that last statement, then please correct me constructively. Accusations of inferiority really won't get that accomplished, and I admit to some ignorance seeing as I'm relearning (and in some cases learning for the first time) how to properly use Dream Maker to suit my needs. |
In response to GreenMonkey
I was referring to the title "Window mode vs. full screen". Everything stated there is true, I don't see how that was rude. I'm always amazed at how far people go when I start being realistic.
Basically you should have called your topic "Don't Mind Windowed Mode?" or something similar. Sorry, just a fact. |
In response to GreenMonkey
GreenMonkey wrote:
My chat system is integrated into the HUD, and sadly I can't anchor the output and input boxes to the map in place of the main window. If it's not screen objects then it's possible to anchor properly. Screen objects are anchor-able too, but it's harder. |