Ok, I have a 2 questions this time...
1) In my last post, I asked how to make my mob bigger, well I put in the code and I got 3 errors:
bin.dme:29:error:headType:bad var
bin.dme:25:error::invalid expression
any idea's why?
And question #2:
How do I make it so when a character kills a creature, he gets exp eventually leading to leveling up and increasing HP and the choice of new stats and techniques? Ebonshadow can probably answer this because he made that awesome DBZ spar game, thanks a mil,
![]() Jan 25 2001, 4:10 pm
Ok, I got the code to compile, but now It won't let me BE the guy, I can place lil animated pics of him everywhere but I can't be him and control him. Make sure you have world.mob set to the same type as the player mob. For example: world mob = /mob/human //This defines the default mob created for new players I still need help with question no. 2 though... Check out this discussion... plenty of useful ideas! Experience and stuff |
On 1/25/01 11:01 pm Guy T. wrote:
Ok, I got the code to compile, but now It won't let me BE the guy, I can place lil animated pics of him everywhere but I can't be him and control him. Ok, I tried this but It's still not working, now I can't even make other mods work...help...PLEASE??? |
Ok, I tried this but It's still not working, now I can't even make other mods work...help...PLEASE??? Hmm... try posting some of the code you're using and I'll take a look this evening. |
Sorry it took me so long to respond, been busy...Here's the code
// DM Environment file for bin.dme. // All manual changes should be made outside the BEGIN_ and END_ blocks. /*Players/Turfs/Objects*/ world // default world parameters mob = /mob/player//This defines the default mob created by players turf = /turf/ground /*Player Stats*/ mob/player Gilser icon = 'Mod.dmi' //The mob shows legs and waist; the "head" object shows the torso and head. var/obj/head/head var/headType mob //The mob shows legs and waist; the "head" object shows the torso and head. var/obj/head/head var/headType New() .=..() if(headType) head = new headType(get_step(src, NORTH)) Move() .=..() if(. && head) if(!head.Move(get_step(src, NORTH), dir)) head.loc = null human icon = 'humanBottom.dmi' headType = /obj/head/human_head obj/head layer = MOB_LAYER + 0.1 density = 0 human_head icon = 'humanTop.dmi' obj/itemsandsigns flutz icon = 'flutz.bmp' heaven1 icon = 'LostHeaven1.dmi' heaven2 icon = 'LostHeaven2.dmi' post1 icon = 'post1.dmi' post2 icon = 'post2.dmi' post3 icon = 'post3.dmi' post4 icon = 'post4.dmi' turf/ground tile icon = 'ground.bmp' grass icon = 'Grass.dmi' space icon = 'space.dmi' dtile icon = 'dtile.dmi' /*People can chat */ mob/verb/say (msg as text) world << "[usr]: [msg]" /*Creata characters*/ world mob = /mob/player mob/player New() world << "Creating a new player" return ..() Login() usr << "[usr.key] logs in" return ..() // BEGIN_FILE_DIR // END_FILE_DIR // BEGIN_INCLUDE #include "OS.dmp" // END_INCLUDE |
Okay... for one thing, you should probably put all of your code (that is, anything that isn't in the BEGIN_**** blocks) into a separate .dm file. This makes your code much more modular and a heck of a lot easier to use.
As for the actual question at hand, I don't have much help... sorry. Not that I couldn't answer (there's a chance I might not, though), but I'm pressed for time right now. =P |
On 1/29/01 6:52 pm Spuzzum wrote:
Okay... for one thing, you should probably put all of your code (that is, anything that isn't in the BEGIN_**** blocks) into a separate .dm file. This makes your code much more modular and a heck of a lot easier to use.Ok, I didn't catch that...do you mean I should put all the different sections of the code into different files EX: turf/ground grass icon = 'grass.dmi' tile icon = 'tile.dmi' ect. ect. in one .dm file then something like obj/characters Gilser icon = 'Gilser.dmi' into a different .dm file? Sorry with all the questions, I'm only 13 and it's a little hard to learn all this stuff. ;) |
On 1/30/01 12:15 pm Gilser wrote:
Ok, I didn't catch that...do you mean I should put all the different sections of the code into different files EX: Yes, you don't want to store your code in the .dme file. That's really reserved for BYOND housekeeping. You can create code files by using the File-New command. How many files you use it completely up to you...personally I tend to have a Game.dm file for my central game functionality, a mob.dm file for the basic mob code, a player.dm file for player-specific stuff. Whatever makes it easy for you to find what you want. |
Yes, you don't want to store your code in the .dme file. That's really reserved for BYOND housekeeping. In that case, do I put all my code files in the same folder? Does that make it so they all go together? Sorry for all the Q's... |
On 1/30/01 4:29 pm Gilser wrote:
Yes, you don't want to store your code in the .dme file. That's really reserved for BYOND housekeeping. Just create them using File->New in DreamMaker and that will take care of it for you. You can have them in subfolders if you want but you probably don't need to. |
I still need help with question no. 2 though...