Ok, I got a blob dude that attacks your main guy, the problem is that when I run it, my character thinks and walks by himself! I can control him, but he also controls himself and follows (and attacks) other characters without me telling him to, can anyone help?
Thanks, Gilser
![]() Feb 16 2001, 5:44 pm
On 2/16/01 8:10 pm Gilser wrote:
Just a thought. Can't tell without seeing your code. Sure. |
On 2/16/01 8:17 pm Karver wrote:
On 2/16/01 8:10 pm Gilser wrote: //moods (control automatic combat behavior) #define WARY -1 //maintain a short distance #define CALM 0 //defend if necessary #define ASSERTIVE 1 //if attacked, seek revenge #define HOSTILE 2 //attack first, ask questions later //stepping modes or stances (control automatic motion) #define SIT_STEP -1 //sitting #define NO_STEP 0 //standing still #define TRACK_STEP 1 //tracking something #define RAND_STEP 2 //explore randomly #define WALK_STEP 3 //move in a direction until there is a choice mob/var life = 50 //vital energy name = "HP" strength = 1 //damaging power iq = 1 //mental power aim = 1 //weapon skill name = "sight" armor = 1 //armor skill immunity = 0 //parasite resistance offense = 1 //damage multiplier name = "attack" defense = 1 //damage divisor dexterity = 1 //attacking speed //maximums are initialized in New() max_life max_strength max_iq max_aim max_armor max_immunity karma //reincarnation penalty parasites[] //list of parasites step_mode=NO_STEP //NO_STEP,TRACK_STEP,RAND_STEP,WALK_STEP step_lag = 10 //delay between steps swing_lag = 60 //delay between swings corpse //type of corpse to leave behind rand_items //upper bound of random treasure items mood=ASSERTIVE //(CHICKEN,WARY,CALM,ASSERTIVE,HOSTILE) tmp rank=1 //-1,0,1 party_id //mob type or mob id mob/step_trg //target for TRACK_STEP mob/enemy mob/proc Tick() Swing() OneSwing(target,aim,offense) Peace() War(attacker) SeeWar(attacker,defender) Die() GotoAfterlife() AddLife(N) AddStrength(N) AddIQ(N) AddAim(N) AddArmor(N) AddImmunity(N) AddKarma(N) SetName(NewName) ChangePartyLeader(group_id,default_leader) MoveNoBump(Loc) MoveNear(Loc) Answer(Text) AddParasite(P) RemoveParasite(P) StepAway(trg,dist) StepTo(trg,dist) StepRand() StepExplore() turf/proc Use() DontExplore() DeltaZOnUse() //returns amount z will change if turf is used (for following down stairs) area/Afterlife name = "Chamber of the Dead" desc = "Brrr. It's dead cold in here!" Enter(mob/M) if(usr && usr.client) usr.client.statobj = src return ..() verb/reincarnate() //return to the world of the living obj var equiped slot_name verb get() drop() obj/Food text = "%" var //mob stat modifiers life aim strength armor iq immunity karma duration //number of additional digestion rounds delay //pause (in ticks) between digestion rounds //if duration==0, delay gives initial pause parasite //parasite type (if any) rot //shelf-life (in ticks) proc EatDesc() DigestDesc() Tick() verb/eat() obj/Food/Corpse/var parasite_prob = 100 //probability of parasite obj/Parasite var //food drain multipliers (fraction of food nutrients digested) life strength aim armor iq immunity //run-time vars tmp/mob/host proc Infect(host) Digest(food) obj/Weapon var aim //adds to user's aim offense = 1 //multiplies user's offense text = "(" slot_name = " (in hand)" verb wield() remove() throw() obj/Armor var armor //adds to user's armor defense = 1 //multiplies user's defense text = "\[" slot_name = " (on body)" verb wear() remove() obj/Scroll var/iq text = "?" proc CastDesc() //no default so each scroll should define this CastFail() verb/read() mob/verb chicken() usr.mood = CHICKEN calm() usr.mood = CALM usr.Peace() walk_mode() usr.step_mode = WALK_STEP join(mob/M as mob) if(usr == M) if(usr.rank >= 0) usr.party_id = usr usr.rank = 1 view() << "[usr] forms a new party." else usr << "You are enslaved." else usr.party_id = M.party_id usr.rank = 0 view() << "[usr] joins [M]'s party." promote(mob/M as mob in oview()) if(usr.rank > M.rank) M.rank = usr.rank view() << "[usr] gives [M] a promotion." else usr << "[usr] don't have the authority!" follow(mob/M as mob|null) if(!M) M = usr.party_id if(!ismob(M)) return usr.step_trg = M usr.step_mode = TRACK_STEP control(mob/M as mob in usr.group) if(!M.key) M.key = usr.key push(mob/M as mob in oview(1)) view() << "[usr] pushes [M]." M.Bump(usr) kill(mob/M in oview()) usr.War(M) mob/Read(savefile/F) ..() //install parasites var/plist = parasites var/obj/Parasite/P parasites = null for(P in plist) P.Infect(src) mob/New() //init max stats src.max_life = src.life src.max_strength = src.strength src.max_iq = src.iq src.max_aim = src.aim src.max_armor = src.armor src.max_immunity = src.immunity if(!src.party_id) src.party_id = src //self-aligned src.Tick() //start up the mob ticker (which runs till the mob dies) return ..() mob/Stat() var/S if(statpanel("")) if(src.desc) stat("description",src.desc) if(src.max_life) S = src.life/src.max_life if(S < 0.25) stat("life","[src.max_life] very weak") else if(S < 0.5) stat("life","[src.max_life] weak") else if(S < 0.75) stat("life","[src.max_life] fair") else stat("life","[src.max_life] strong") if(src.max_strength) S = src.strength/src.max_strength if(S < 0.25) stat("strength","[src.max_strength] exhausted") else if(S < 0.5) stat("strength","[src.max_strength] feeble") else if(S < 0.75) stat("strength","[src.max_strength] fair") else stat("strength","[src.max_strength] full") if(src.max_iq) S = src.iq/src.max_iq if(S < 0.25) stat("mind","[src.max_iq] exhausted") else if(S < 0.5) stat("mind","[src.max_iq] feeble") else if(S < 0.75) stat("mind","[src.max_iq] fair") else stat("mind","[src.max_iq] full") if(src.max_aim) S = src.aim/src.max_aim if(S < 0.25) stat("armed","minimally") else if(S < 0.5) stat("armed","lightly") else if(S < 0.75) stat("armed","heavily") else stat("armed","fully") if(src.max_armor) S = src.armor/src.max_armor if(S < 0.25) stat("armored","minimally") else if(S < 0.5) stat("armored","lightly") else if(S < 0.75) stat("armored","heavily") else stat("armored","fully") if(!src.max_immunity) stat("immunity","none") else S = src.immunity/src.max_immunity if(S < 0.25) stat("immunity","[src.max_immunity] very low") else if(S < 0.5) stat("immunity","[src.max_immunity] low") else if(S < 0.75) stat("immunity","[src.max_immunity] fair") else stat("immunity","[src.max_immunity] strong") stat("karma",round(src.karma)) if(src == usr && statpanel("inventory")) stat(src.contents) mob/Bump(mob/Block) if(ismob(Block)) //if friends, swap positions; otherwise this means war! if(src.party_id == Block.party_id && src.rank >= Block.rank) var/turf loc1 = src.loc loc2 = Block.loc src.loc = 0 if(Block.Move(loc1)) src.loc = loc2 else src.loc = loc1 else src.War(Block) mob/Del() var/O for(O in src.contents) del(O) for(O in src.parasites) del(O) return ..() mob/Die() var/mob/M var/obj/O if(src.corpse) new src.corpse(src.loc,src) src.party_id = 0 for(M as mob in world) if(M.party_id == src) src.ChangePartyLeader(src,M) for(O in src) O.Move(src.loc) //drop everything if(src.key) //penalty for visiting the afterlife //distribute karma between mob's energies (life, strength, iq) var kl = rand(1,10) ks = rand(1,10) ki = rand(1,10) sum = kl + ks + ki kl = -rand(src.karma * kl/sum) ks = -rand(src.karma * ks/sum) ki = -rand(src.karma * ki/sum) src << "The karmic dice land with a great thump at your dead feet:\nlife: [kl]\nstrength: [ks]\niq: [ki]" src.max_life += kl src.max_strength += ks src.max_iq += ki if(src.max_life <=0) src.max_life = 1 if(src.max_strength <= 0) src.max_strength = 1 if(src.max_iq <= 0) src.max_iq = 1 src.GotoAfterlife() else del(src) //creatures without souls don't have a second chance mob/GotoAfterlife() src.Move(locate(/area/Afterlife)) area/Afterlife/reincarnate() //NOTE: this should probably be redefined by the world-specific code var/Loc = locate(usr.corpse) //move to the corpse if(usr.MoveNear(Loc)) return var x;y;z dx = rand(world.maxx) dy = rand(world.maxy) //move to a random spot for lack of anything better to do for(z=1,z<=world.maxz,z++) for(x=0,x<world.maxx,x++) for(y=0,y<world.maxy,y++) var/turf/T = locate((x+dx)%world.maxx+1,(y+dy)%world.maxy+1,z) if(usr.MoveNear(T)) return mob/ChangePartyLeader(mob/gid,mob/DefaultLeader) var/mob/M //Promote highest ranking member to group leader (when previous one dies) for(M as mob in world) if(M.party_id == gid && M.rank > DefaultLeader.rank) DefaultLeader = M for(M as mob in world) if(M.party_id == gid) M.party_id = DefaultLeader M << "Your new leader is [DefaultLeader]." mob/MoveNoBump(Loc) //move to Loc without bumping anything so nobody gets mad var/D var/ret D = src.density src.density = 0 ret = src.Move(Loc) src.density = D return ret mob/MoveNear(turf/Center) //move to a turf (or one of its neighbors) if there is a vacancy var/turf/T for(T as turf in view(1,Center)) if(T.Enter(src)) //check if it's possible to enter first if(src.Move(T)) return 1 client //stop any auto-movement modes when player takes over North() usr.step_mode = NO_STEP return ..() South() usr.step_mode = NO_STEP return ..() East() usr.step_mode = NO_STEP return ..() West() usr.step_mode = NO_STEP return ..() Northeast() usr.step_mode = NO_STEP return ..() Southeast() usr.step_mode = NO_STEP return ..() Northwest() usr.step_mode = NO_STEP return ..() Southwest() usr.step_mode = NO_STEP return ..() Center() usr.step_mode = NO_STEP return ..() mob StepAway(trg,dist) step_away(src,trg,dist) StepTo(mob/trg,dist) if(src.z <> trg.z) //follow down or up stairs var/turf/T var/zdiff = trg.z - src.z for(T as turf in oview(src)) if(T.DeltaZOnUse() == zdiff) if(get_dist(src,T) == 0) T.Use() else step_to(src,T,0) break else step_to(src,trg,dist) StepRand() step_rand(src) StepExplore() var/D = src.dir var/turf/T = get_step(src,D) //move down a tunnel until there is a fork if(T.DontExplore() || !src.Move(T)) T = get_step(src,turn(D,45)) if(T.DontExplore() || !src.Move(T)) T = get_step(src,turn(D,-45)) if(T.DontExplore() || !src.Move(T)) T = get_step(src,turn(D,-90)) if(T.DontExplore() || !src.Move(T)) T = get_step(src,turn(D,90)) if(T.DontExplore() || !src.Move(T)) src.step_mode = NO_STEP mob/Tick() //endless loop (automatically aborted when src dies) spawn for() sleep(src.step_lag) if(src.enemy) switch(src.mood) if(CHICKEN) src.StepAway(src.enemy,5) //run away if(WARY) src.StepAway(src.enemy,2) //stand clear if(ASSERTIVE,HOSTILE) src.StepTo(src.enemy,1) //charge! else if(src.mood == HOSTILE) //look for some fresh meat var/mob/O for(O in oview(,src)) if(O.client) src.War(O) break switch(src.step_mode) if(RAND_STEP) src.StepRand() if(TRACK_STEP) if(!src.step_trg) src.step_mode = NO_STEP else src.StepTo(src.step_trg,3) if(WALK_STEP) src.StepExplore() mob/War(mob/attacker) //attacker has offended src if(src.enemy==attacker) return //we already hate this guy if(src.enemy) //we already hate somebody else if(src.mood == ASSERTIVE) src.mood = HOSTILE //anger mounts! //fight the new guy if he is closer if(get_dist(src,src.enemy) < get_dist(src,attacker)) return else spawn src.Swing() //start swinging src.dir = get_dir(src,src.enemy) src.enemy = attacker var/mob/M for(M as mob in oview(,src)) M.SeeWar(attacker,src) mob/SeeWar(attacker,mob/trg) //attacker has offended trg--do we care? if(src.party_id && src.party_id == trg.party_id && src.rank <= trg.rank) src.War(attacker) //yes we care because trg is a friend mob/Peace() src.enemy = 0 mob/OneSwing(mob/trg,Aim,Offense) var/p var/x src.dir = get_dir(src,trg) //face the enemy //sigmoidal hit probability if(trg.armor + Aim == 0) return x = (trg.armor - Aim)/(trg.armor + Aim) p = 1/(1 + 100 ** x) trg.War(src) if(prob(p*100)) //improve aim skill src.max_aim += 0.1 * (1-p) p *= -0.07 * src.strength //hit energy src.AddStrength(p) p *= Offense/trg.defense switch(-p/trg.max_life) if(0.00 to 0.10) view() << "[src] grazes [trg]." if(0.10 to 0.25) view() << "[src] hits [trg]." if(0.25 to 0.50) view() << "[src] smashes [trg]." else view() << "[src] sends [trg] reeling." trg.AddLife(p) return p else //improve armor skill trg.max_armor += 0.1 * p mob/Swing() spawn usr = src //so procs like AddLife give credit where it is due while(src.enemy) if(get_dist(src,src.enemy) <= 1) //in range src.OneSwing(src.enemy,src.aim,src.offense) //next swing is randomly delayed anywhere up to swing_lag sleep(rand(src.swing_lag)) src.Peace() mob/AddLife(N) //returns actual amount added to life var/V V = src.life + N if(V > src.max_life) src.AddKarma(V-src.max_life) //gluttony! V = src.max_life N = V - src.life src.life = V else if(V < 0) if(usr && usr!=src) view(,src) << "[usr] kills [src]!" src.Die() else src.life = V //increase max_life with probability N/max_life if(N>0 && N > rand(src.max_life)) src << "You feel lively." src.max_life++ return N mob/AddStrength(N) //returns actual amount added to strength var/V V = src.strength + N if(V > src.max_strength) src.AddKarma(V-src.max_strength) //gluttony! V = src.max_strength N = V - src.strength else if(V < 0) V = 0 N = V - src.strength src.strength = V //increase max_strength with probability N/max_strength if(N>0 && N > rand(src.max_strength)) src << "You feel stronger!" src.max_strength++ return N mob/AddIQ(N) //returns actual amount added to iq var/V V = src.iq + N if(V > src.max_iq) src.AddKarma(V-src.max_iq) //gluttony! V = src.max_iq N = V - src.iq else if(V < 0) V = 0 N = V - src.iq src.iq = V //increase max_iq with probability N/max_iq if(N>0 && N > rand(src.max_iq)) src << "You feel rather clever." src.max_iq++ return N mob/AddAim(N) //returns actual amount added to aim var/V V = src.aim + N if(V > src.max_aim) V = src.max_aim N = V - src.aim else if(V < 0) V = 0 N = V - src.aim src.aim = V return N mob/AddArmor(N) //returns actual amount added to armor var/V V = src.armor + N if(V > src.max_armor) V = src.max_armor N = V - src.armor else if(V < 0) V = 0 N = V - src.armor src.armor = V return N mob/AddImmunity(N) //returns actual amount added to immunity var/V V = src.immunity + N if(V > src.max_immunity) V = src.max_immunity N = V - src.immunity else if(V < 0) V = 0 N = V - src.immunity src.immunity = V if(N>0 && N > rand(src.max_immunity)) src << "You feel healthier." src.max_immunity++ return N mob/AddKarma(N) src.karma += N if(src.karma < 0) N -= src.karma src.karma = 0 return N mob/AddParasite(obj/Parasite/p) if(!src.parasites) src.parasites = list(p) else src.parasites.Add(p) mob/RemoveParasite(obj/Parasite/p) if(src.parasites) src.parasites.Remove(p) if(!src.parasites.len) src << "The gnawing in your guts ceases abruptly." mob/SetName(NewName) var/mob/M if(!NewName) return //don't allow changing to sombody else's key name if(NewName!=src.key) for(M in world) if(M.key == NewName) return src.name = NewName return 1 client/New() var/ret = ..() //nobody may impersonate a key var/mob/M for(M as mob in world) if(M == src.mob) continue if(M.name == src.key) if(M.key) M.SetName(M.key) return ret turf/DontExplore() var/M //don't explore if turf contains mobs for(M as mob in src) return 1; obj/get() set src in oview(0) if(src.Move(usr)) view() << "[usr] picks up \a [src]." obj/drop() set src in usr if(src.Move(usr.loc)) view() << "[usr] drops \a [src]." obj/Food/New() src.Tick() return ..() obj/Food/EatDesc() view() << pick( "[usr] eats \a [src].", "[usr] devours \a [src].") obj/Food/DigestDesc() if(src.life>=0 && src.aim>=0 && src.armor>=0 && src.strength>=0 && src.iq>=0) if(prob(10)) view() << "[usr] belches contentedly." obj/Food/Tick() var/S spawn while(src.rot) S = src.rot sleep(S) src.rot -= S if(src.rot == 0) del(src) return else if(src.rot < 0) break obj/Food/eat() var/count count = src.duration src.loc = 0 //dissappear src.EatDesc() var/obj/Parasite/p for(p in usr.parasites) p.Digest(src) if(!count && src.delay) sleep(src.delay) do usr.AddLife(src.life) usr.AddAim(src.aim) usr.AddStrength(src.strength) usr.AddArmor(src.armor) usr.AddIQ(src.iq) usr.AddImmunity(src.immunity) usr.AddKarma(src.karma) src.DigestDesc() if(count) sleep(src.delay) while(count--) if(src.parasite) new src.parasite(usr) del(src) obj/Food/Corpse/New(Loc,mob/LiveSrc) src.name = addtext(src.name," corpse") if(!prob(src.parasite_prob)) src.parasite = 0 if(LiveSrc.parasites && LiveSrc.parasites.len) var/obj/Parasite/p p = LiveSrc.parasites[rand(1,LiveSrc.parasites.len)] src.parasite = p.type src.karma = LiveSrc.karma return ..() obj/Parasite/New(mob/Host) //when loading from file Host==0 if(Host) src.immunity += Host.AddImmunity(-src.immunity) if(!src.immunity) if(prob(30)) usr << "Your stomach juices go to work." del(src) return src.Infect(Host) return ..(null) obj/Parasite/Del() if(src.host) src.host.RemoveParasite(src) obj/Parasite/Infect(mob/Host) src.host = Host src.host.AddParasite(src) obj/Parasite/Digest(obj/Food/f) f.life *= (1-src.life) f.strength *= (1-src.strength) f.aim *= (1-src.aim) f.armor *= (1-src.armor) f.iq *= (1-src.iq) if(f.immunity >= src.immunity) f.immunity -= src.immunity src.immunity = 0 del(src) else src.immunity -= f.immunity obj/Weapon/wield() if(!src.equiped) var/obj/O for(O in usr) if(O.equiped && O.slot_name == src.slot_name) usr << "You are already using [O]." return 0 src.suffix = src.slot_name src.equiped = 1 view() << "[usr] wields \a [src]." usr.AddAim(src.aim) usr.offense *= src.offense return 1 obj/Weapon/remove() if(src.equiped) src.suffix = "" src.equiped = 0 view() << "[usr] removes \his [src.name]." usr.AddAim(-src.aim) usr.offense /= src.offense return 1 obj/Weapon/throw(mob/Trg as mob) src.suffix = "" src.equiped = 0 //TODO: swing only once missile has struck //TODO: subtract out the current weapon's stats from swing missile(src,usr,Trg.loc) src.Move(Trg.loc) usr.OneSwing(Trg,src.aim+usr.aim,src.offense+usr.offense) obj/Armor/wear() if(!src.equiped) var/obj/O for(O in usr) if(O.equiped && O.slot_name == src.slot_name) usr << "You are already wearing [O]." return 0 src.suffix = src.slot_name src.equiped = 1 view() << "[usr] wears \a [src]." usr.AddArmor(src.armor) usr.defense *= src.defense obj/Armor/remove() if(src.equiped) src.suffix = "" src.equiped = 0 view() << "[usr] removes \his [src.name]." usr.AddArmor(-src.armor) usr.defense /= src.defense obj/Scroll/read() set src in usr //sigmoidal success probability var/x = (src.iq - usr.iq)/(src.iq + usr.iq) var/p = 100/(1 + 100 ** x) usr.AddIQ(-src.iq) if(prob(p)) var/cdesc = src.CastDesc() if(cdesc) view() << cdesc return 1 else src.CastFail() obj/Scroll/CastFail() usr << pick( "You feel a bit light headed.", "Mmm. You smell sizzled neurons.", "The words swim before your eyes.") |
human icon = 'player.dmi' Login() loc = locate(10, 10, 1) client/proc/RefreshEye() var/target = src.mob if(!target) return var/x = target:x var/y = target:y if(x < world.view+1) x = world.view+1 if(y < world.view+1) y = world.view+1 if(x > world.maxx-world.view) x = world.maxx-world.view if(y > world.maxy-world.view) y = world.maxy-world.view //world << "X: [x], Y: [y]" //debug line var/turf/T = locate(x,y,src.mob.z) if(T == src.mob.loc) src.eye = src.mob else src.eye = T mob/badguy icon = 'bigblob.dmi' blob life = 2 strength = 2 aim = 3 armor = 2 offense = 1.5 karma = 2 /*Login/Logout*/ mob Login() world << "[usr] enters the world." Logout() world << "[usr] leaves the world." /*People can chat */ mob/verb/say (msg as text) world << "[usr]: [msg]" |
It looks to me like your player mob is enheriting the instructions you have for the enemy mobs.
You will have to place the instructions for your A.I. intop thier own catagory like this mob player player stats creature A.I. If your a little foggy on what I mean, read on. The way everything is handled in DM is to be though of like a family tree. Whatever your parents are, you will enherit their instructions or DNA.(I know some dissagree but this is just for explanation purposes. ;-) ) So if you have something like this.. mob icon='default.dmi' Dragon icon = 'drag.dmi' GreatDragon Golem icon = 'golm.dmi' KillerBunny icon = 'kbun.dmi' player human icon = 'human.dmi' elf gnome icon = 'gnome.dmi' Okay notice how under mob i have icon ='default'. Now every single thing under mob will have the icon assigned to it called default unless you specify otherwise because they enherit it from being under it. Now when I saw under I don't neccesarily mean directly under, I mean the fact that they are endented under mob. Notic how they all have thier own icons assigned to them exept for 'elf'. Elf will have the icon of default.dmi because nothing else was given to it and it's enheriting what was given to its parent which is Mob. If you want elf to have its own icon you gotta assign one under it. Notice how GreatDragon has no icon assigned to it? Well its parent is Dragon so it's icon will be the same as it's parent which is dragon. if you didn't give dragon it;s own icon it would get the icon default.dmi and GreatDragon would inherit that icon too from it's parent. Phew, I hope that helps. So now you may now what I mean if you didnt before about that your player mob may be enheriting the mob's Artificial Intelegence to attack on it's own. |
Just a thought. Can't tell without seeing your code.