OK, I almost have my experience thing down (I think) here's the code:
var/list/fighterLevels = list(100, 2000, 4000, 8000, 16000)
expLevelList = list(100, 2000, 4000, 8000, 16000)
level = 1
level = 1
src.expLevelList = list(100, 2000, 4000, 8000, 16000)
src << "You gained [++exp]!"
exp += myAmount
if(exp >= 100[level+1])
src << "You are now level [++level]!"
HP += 1
I assign enemies with experience like this:
but when i kill something nothing happens! help!
I'm getting a warning that says that the if statement (I've made that line a bigger font) has no effect, is that a problem?
![]() Mar 2 2001, 11:28 pm
![]() Mar 2 2001, 11:51 pm
the lines below the IF should be indented one more step, I believe.
I'd like to check that experience code, but when i made my enemies have random walk, but they don't stop to fight! The code looks like this:
Wolf icon = 'wolf.dmi' HP = 1 shield = 1 dexterity = 1 armor = 2 offense = 2 karma = 0 exp=100 New() ..() walk_rand(src, 10) I just want the wolf to stop and fight you when you touch it, any ideas? Thanks, Gilser P.S. Thanks Kaodrin, I've been trying to get rid of that warning for a while! |
On 3/3/01 2:13 am Gilser wrote:
I'd like to check that experience code, but when i made my enemies have random walk, but they don't stop to fight! The code looks like this: Call walk(src,0) on the wolf. |
On 3/3/01 2:13 am Gilser wrote:
I'd like to check that experience code, but when i made my enemies have random walk, but they don't stop to fight! The code looks like this: I'm also trying to get this code to compile, here it is: var/list/fighterLevels = list(100, 2000, 4000, 8000, 16000) mob var/list/expLevelList var/exp var/level var/savefile="player.sav" fighter expLevelList = list(100, 2000, 4000, 8000, 16000) level = 1 expLevelList level = 1 New() ..() src.expLevelList = list(100, 2000, 4000, 8000, 16000) src << "You gained [++exp]!" proc/AddExperience(myAmount) exp += myAmount if(exp >= expLevelList[level+1] <font size="6">src << "You are now level [++level]!"</font> I get the error: players.dm:21:error: src: missing comma ',' or right-paren ')' any ideas? Thanks, |
if(exp >= expLevelList[level+1] Look at the line above it... |
...Now I feel like an idiot...but thanks!
Check http://www.byond.com/forum/ forum.cgi?action=message_read&forum=code&message=418&view=0 post, I don't under stand where I should be putting the following things: var/experience = 98 mob.AddExperience(experience) //change mob to src, usr, or the target, and experience to the number you'd like to add. and usr.AddExperience(mob.exp) Thanks, Gilser P.S shouldn't -a href="http://www.blahblah.com"- Blah -/a- (> and <'s replaced with 's) |
too bad I missed you gilser...oh well we use the same code so I know how to fix yer problem
Wolf icon = 'wolf.dmi' HP = 1 shield = 1 dexterity = 1 armor = 2 offense = 2 karma = 0 exp=100 step_mode=2 that does everything ya need...have fun.yes the monster will stop to fight. :) |