I'm trying to get my experience to work, I think I'm reeeeeaaaaallllllyyyy close but it's just not working! Here's the code:
var/list/fighterLevels = list(100, 2000, 4000, 8000, 16000)
level = 1
src.expLevelList = 100
src << "You gained [++exp]!"
exp += myAmount
if(exp >= expLevelList[level+1])
src << "You are now level [++level]!"
What's missing? Any idea's? Thanks
![]() Mar 5 2001, 8:08 pm
On the line I've bolded, the expLevelList is being set to something that's not a list. You'd have to change that to Alright, I think I got all those things corrected but...it still doesn't work! I pur in everything you said, but when i try to make these guys kill eachother, they don't get exp Here's all the code that is in any way related to my experience: var/list/fighterLevels = list(100, 2000, 4000, 8000, 16000) mob var/list/expLevelList var/exp var/level var/savefile="player.sav" New() ..() src.expLevelList = fighterLevels src << "You gained [++exp]!" proc/AddExperience(myAmount) exp += myAmount if(expLevelList.len >= level+1) if(exp >= expLevelList[level+1]) src << "You are now level [++level]!" And here's what the guys look like: mob/badguy blob icon = 'bigblob.dmi' HP = 0.1 shield = 2 dexterity = 0.2 armor = 2 offense = 1.5 karma = 0 exp=100 step_mode=2 Wolf icon = 'wolf.dmi' HP = 1 shield = 1 dexterity = 1 armor = 2 offense = 2 karma = 0 exp=200 step_mode=2 What's wrong with this code? It compiles fine... Thanks Gilser |
Alright, I think I got all those things corrected but...it still doesn't work! I pur in everything you said, but when i try to make these guys kill eachother, they don't get exp Of course they don't. =) When you kill them, you have to call AddExperience with the person who commits the deed. For example; mob/proc/Death(mob/M) //call mob.Death(killer) to use this M.AddExperience(src.exp) //give the killer experience del(src) //and finish the job So if you had a Combat() proc for when people get injured, if someone were to get killed, you would use (this is an example only, of course) mob/proc/Combat(mob/M) M.hp -= *blahcalculation* if(M.hp <= 0) M.Death(src) //kill M, with src as the killer |
On the line I've bolded, the expLevelList is being set to something that's not a list. You'd have to change that to
src.expLevelList = list(100)
src.expLevelList = fighterLevels
(Be sure to indent it the same amount... you seem to have a lot of indentation errors! =)
Also note that once you reach the maximum level, you'll get a proc crash whenever you gain experience. You should try this (in place of its respective portion, indented to the proper depth):
exp += myAmount
if(expLevelList.len >= level+1)
if(exp >= expLevelList[level+1])
src << "You are now level [++level]!"
All that does is check to see if the length of the expLevelList is greater or equal to the next level... that is, it checks to see if there is a next level attainable. If there isn't, it ensures that it won't proc crash when a person gains experience.
One final thing, is that the actual code, or did you take bits and pieces from parts of your code? Because after the line var/savefile = "player.sav", the rest is indented improperly, and the two lines below that same line are superfluous (i.e. unnecessary).