ok heres my code :
var/list/fighterLevels = list(100, 2000, 4000, 8000, 16000)
src.expLevelList = fighterLevels
usr << "You gained [++exp]!"
exp += myAmount
if(expLevelList.len >= level+1)
src << "You are now level [++level]!"
max_life += 1
iq += 2
every hit a player gets exp...after his exp is 100 he should get +1 to his max_life...instead nothing happens...you exp can reach 20000 and you still won't have gained a level...please help
Mar 12 2001, 5:40 pm
On 3/12/01 7:40 pm Darkness wrote:
ok heres my code :var/list/fighterLevels = list(100, 2000, 4000, 8000, 16000) mob var/list/expLevelList var/exp var/level var/savefile="player.sav" New() ..() src.expLevelList = fighterLevels proc/AddExperience(myAmount) exp += myAmount if(expLevelList.len >= level+1) if(exp >= expLevelList[level+1]) src << "You are now level [++level]!" max_life += 1 iq += 2 every hit a player gets exp...after his exp is 100 he should get +1 to his max_life...instead nothing happens...you exp can reach 20000 and you still won't have gained a level...please help Hmm, the only thing I could find wrong with it is that you're sending output to usr in New(), which is rather pointless. This is what it should look like when you add experience: usr.AddExperience(src.exp) so if you had usr attacking M, it'd be usr.AddExperience(M.exp) and if you had M attacking src, it'd be M.AddExperience(src.exp) and so on. |
Try putting in some debugging statements to see where the problem lies. For example, you have a line where you compare exp to fighterLevels[level+1]. So put this just above it:
world << "exp [exp] points needed [fighterLevels[level+1]]" //dbg
(I always put //dbg after my debugging lines so it's easy to find them and get rid of them later.)
I just went through about an hour of putting debugging checkpoints all through a proc, testing, and repeating. Fortunately, you shouldn't need that many here!
<small>(It turned out I'd forgotten about the built-in "waitfor" behavior... when a flamethrower hit an acid-bleeding monster, the flame that caused the damage would suddenly freeze in place until the acid had eaten through the floor!)</small>