Apr 1 2001, 7:37 pm
how would i make say verb where only the players on a certain z level can hear what is said
In response to Tom
On 4/2/01 1:42 am Tom wrote:
On 4/1/01 10:37 pm Haroki wrote: Tsk, tsk, Tom! That's the old-skool style! mob/verb/say(msg as text) var/output = "[usr] says: [msg]" for(var/mob/M in world) if(M.z == usr.z) M << output |
You can direct the output to customized lists. For instance,
// custom say that only outputs to people on the same level as the speaker
mob/verb/say(msg as text)
var/output = "[usr] says: [msg]" // the message you will output
for(M in world) // loop over all of the mobs in the world
if(M.z==usr.z) // these guys are on my level
M << output // send it to them!