Naruto: Dark Worlds

by Reem16
Naruto: Dark Worlds
Naruto PvP, {fri,march 8} : looking to bring this game back contact me on here if interested in helping!
Apply here for a position on the hands on staff, we need a staff to help, Narutodude(myself) cannot continue to do all the work, so we are no requesting help.

Basic Application

Byond Key:

Iconing Exp:(yes or no)
....If Yes:(How Much EXP)

Mapping Exp:(yes or no)
....If Yes:(How Much EXP)

Gfxing Exp:(yes or no)
....If Yes:(How Much EXP)

Coding Exp:(yes or no)
....If Yes:(How Much EXP)

Approved --- We will contact you!!
Disapproved --- Thank you for your time!!