turf puddle bottle mob tweetle_beetle var obj/equipped poodle var obj/lunch fox obj paddle noodles datum battle var name mob/side_1 mob/side_2 fox_check = FALSE mob/fox/F proc/get_battle_type() if (istype(side_1, /mob/tweetle_beetle) && istype(side_2, /mob/tweetle_beetle)) if(loc == puddle) if (istype(side_1.equipped, /obj/paddle) && istype(side_2.equipped, /obj/paddle)) if (loc.loc == bottle) for(F in loc.loc) fox_check = TRUE break if(fox_check) name = "tweetle beetle noodle poodle bottles paddled muddled duddled fuddled wuddled fox in socks" else name = "tweetle beetle bottle puddle paddle battle muddle" else if (loc.loc == poodle && istype(loc.loc:lunch, obj/noodles)) name = "muddle puddle tweetle poodle beetle noodle bottle paddle battle" else name = "tweetle beetle puddle paddle battle" else name = "tweetle beetle puddle battle" else name = "tweetle beetle battle" return name
(With thanks to Lexy's ifthefrogisonthelogthenmovethefrogwiththelog() function)
Where exactly is puddle and bottle being set, gentleman? =)