man, i have done alot today, good thing im in a small hick town in Missouri, or else, i would be in a big huge city in Texas stalking Troy Aikman :P, well heres the prob
layer = MOB_LAYER+1
icon = 'KingKia.dmi'
name "King Kia"
set src in view (2)
var/selling = input("What do you want to do?") in list ("Catch Bubbles","Smash Gregory","Exercise","Run Around","Eat")

if(selling == ("Catch Bubbles")
cost = 50
var/choice = input ("Do you want to chase bubbles? You need a Power Level of [cost] and you have a Power Level of [round(]") in list ("Yes","No")
if(choice == "Yes")

if( >= cost)
M.loc = locate(1,1,3)
usr << "You can't handle it"
heres the errors
loading DBZ AFTA MATH.dme cost: missing comma ',' or right-paren ')'

DBZ AFTA MATH.dmb - 1 error, 0 warnings

line 326 is cost = 50

On 7/5/01 2:14 pm Sariat wrote:
heres the errors
loading DBZ AFTA MATH.dme cost: missing comma ',' or right-paren ')'

DBZ AFTA MATH.dmb - 1 error, 0 warnings

line 326 is cost = 50

Look one line above:
if(selling == ("Catch Bubbles")
cost = 50

See the missing parenthesis?
In response to Shadowdarke
On 7/5/01 2:26 pm Shadowdarke wrote:
On 7/5/01 2:14 pm Sariat wrote:
heres the errors
loading DBZ AFTA MATH.dme cost: missing comma ',' or right-paren ')'

DBZ AFTA MATH.dmb - 1 error, 0 warnings

line 326 is cost = 50

Look one line above:
if(selling == ("Catch Bubbles")
cost = 50

See the missing parenthesis?

if(selling == ("Catch Bubbles"))
cost = 50
In response to Vortezz
Look one line above:
if(selling == ("Catch Bubbles")
cost = 50

See the missing parenthesis?

if(selling == ("Catch Bubbles"))
cost = 50

LOL... =)