(X-Hx) = ax// if any of these are neg make them pos
(y-Hy) = ay
(z-Hz) = az
how do i make ax ay or az the opposit num if they are neg? i mean if ay is -98 it would have to tun into 98.
Jul 8 2001, 9:39 am
In response to LexyBitch
On 7/8/01 12:45 pm LexyBitch wrote:
On 7/8/01 12:39 pm jobe wrote: Thanks again! |
abs(x) returns the absolute value (distance from zero) of x. This means that abs(-x) will return x. Still, even without knowing that, I'm sure you could've come up with your own solution, along the lines of if (x < 0) x *= -1