Well as you may have guessed this guild is all about Graphics!It's purpose is to provide a place on byond for graphic artists to gather to show off and improve their skills and maybe even offer their services to the rest of the byond community.

The forums currently allow members to:
  • Show off their artwork!
  • Challenge other members to graphics battles
  • View and help create a library of Stock Images, Brushes, Filters, and other plugins!
  • Submit their own tutorials!
  • Request images from other artists

Pretty basic stuff for the moment until there are some more members.

Later plans include an "Official" Tutorial area with more thorough and useful tutorials, Graphics challenges for Cash, and some other fun things :D

After joining,read the rules in the forums before posting!

contact @ [email protected]

(Also, I think I've worked out most of the bugs of the CSS, but if you run into any big problems screenshot it and email it to me, Thanks.)

This layout is hot...
I agree.
That's because he edited Mike H's CSS and forgot the edit the tan text where the Search bar is. But it's a good CSS none the less.
But the images are pretty. Good work!
Yeh. I used his instead of the default because it made no sense to start from that when his was almost what I needed, already.It was quite a pain. I think I would have been better off starting with the default though...could keep things looking decent whenever I changed one thing.

(And No, I didn't forget to change the tanwhite text, I like it there, I had actually meant to change the "Search" color to that but go distracted with the forums. ;))
You should have asked for permission to use it, though.
Oops. I meant to switch keys, I don't want to make the guild look bad or anything for something I should have done.
(So yeh, I'm thinking I should have, even though now it pretty much only shares the margins/alignments of his). I'll send him an emailpage asking if he's ok with it or not. If not then I'll make another.

You should have asked for permission to use it, though.

Why? He isn't using copyrighted content or his bandwidth.

Who made this guild, anyways?
Comment's get cut off a ways down the page <_<
It make it look ugleh now.

You should have asked for permission to use it, though.

Why? He isn't using copyrighted content or his bandwidth.

Who made this guild, anyways?

Ugh...oh well I asked anyways.

and TheJester made this guild.

Edit: The Css should be fixed now.
I'm very much interested in being a part of a graphics based guild, but it must be a professional one. I don't see the place "Anime Renders" have in such a guild. Professional artists will want to distance themselves as much as possible from 'sig artists' and the such.
Why? He isn't using copyrighted content or his bandwidth.

He used something that someone else created without giving any form of credit and did not ask for permission.
This guild is just for graphic artists in general to show off and develop their skills.
I see no reason why a professional and an amateur artist cannot do this in the same place. If anything a professional will influence any amateur or sig artist with their work to try other things. But I also don't see anything wrong with having sig art because its what alot of people begin with and enjoy doing. They are fun and much easier for people new to graphics and if you get the right person they can create something (without an image) that just makes you go "Woah...thats hot". But back to beginners: Cutting out an anime image is much easier and interesting than cutting out say, a lion or something, because they provide pretty defined lines to follow and you can usually see what colors are need to match with it. And its something they like. And over time as their skills/interests develop they usually start to create bigger and better things (better meaning not just anime). I know I started out with sigs and such and of course thats still fun, but I also enjoy and have the ability, thanks to working on those, to create a decent website,background,etc. for someone.

So in short. I think sig art as an important part of any general graphics community site and a good way to get people interested into graphics.

I want this guild to be as much for beginners as for professionals, however the "professional" part of the spectrum will have to realize that alot of people who get into graphics, start with sigs and thats what their going to do until they feel comfortable/skilled enough to create other things.So if you join you can help them branch out through tutorials and showing off things you've created,etc.

--end long, possibly-messed up-half-way-through rambling. Go join though, you can help introduce these people to new things. (However if you or someone else decides to create a guild for the more professional-type count me in!)

The issue isn't so much one of amature vs. professional (in this regard my word choice was poor) as it is legitimate vs. illegitimate. Just like in programming, 'advanced' legitimate programmers want to associate with 'newbie' legitimate programmers to help them out and strengthen community; they discourage illegitimate practices because they recognize that such practices are detrimental to the community. Just as taking someone else's code, modifying it, and passing it off as your own is illegitimate, so is taking someone else's art, modifying it, and passing it off as original.

One of the main purposes of a 'guild' is association; why would I want to be associated with what will come to be considered a haven of the illegitimate? I don't think you'll find any legitimate programmers associating with rippers, and I believe the same holds true of a graphics guild; even more so, why would I want to post my work where it might be taken for use as a 'render'?
Alright I had a response to your comment, but I am saving it because I want you to clarify whether you are talking about people who do things like take someone's art from another site or whatever and say its theirs or whether you are referring to sig artists.
I'm not refering to a specific act, I'm addressing a philosophy. To take someone's art (without any modification) and say that it's your own is obviously wrong; putting someone else's images together so that you have a nice sig to associate yourself with is fine (Like the image I'm using as a desktop image; it's just a modified image from someone else).

What's wrong is the philosophy of accepting those modified images as 'art'. The custom sepia filter I've made is nice for making desktops with, but I'd never refer to those resulting images as 'art', or as 'my art'. Did it take some level of skill and knowledge of Photoshop to make that filter? Yes. Is art defined as the application of skill and knowledge? ...Err, now you're getting into a grey area; is a roof shingler an artist?

It is how you define art, your philosophy conserning what is to be acceptable or not acceptable, that will determine your level of professionalism. The published games channel demands certain things from it's authors; if they don't comply, they can't get their games in. Because of this higher standard, people associate the published games channel with 'good games', and want their games to be there. The 'raw' channel accepts anything. Because of this, any game in the raw channel is assumed to be on the same level as the numerous Zeta rips found there.

It all comes down to association. What sort of people do you want to attract? The real powerhouse graphical artists (Xooxer, Flick, Foomer, etc.) arn't going to want to be associated with 'that sig art guild'. Along the same lines, if you got enough highly respected developers in your guild, tons of people would apply just to be associated with them. I know that if any of the three I mentioned above were to start a graphics (or design) guild, I would join.
I have nothing to say only b i t c h
. have a great day.
Not a really active Guild, wouldn't you say?