I just wanted to drop by and say thanks to Tom and Lummox for Dream Maker (mostly the image editing part). Since I've gotten into Phaser, it's been a nightmare to split / join sprites with my old png spritesheets (do you know how many programs there are on the internet to do this, and they suck at doing it quickly?) and do alpha transparency (I always forget how to do it in GIMP and it takes far too long to load) as quickly as Dream Maker lets me do so. Plus, I can just rename the files to png when I'm done for maximum compression benefits.

This is what I do, too. Plus, the DM icon editor is the only graphics program in history with a sensible line tool. I've opened DM just to draw a line (or circle) and paste it into photoshop. And then there's the ease of viewing animations. Good job (b'-')b