Problem description:
my doubt is how I can make the map full display
to start the game, because when you start the game the map is not complete, the sides are black.
I hope to help me,thanks so much.
Your description isn't quite clear, but if your problem is being able to see void tiles try putting:

perspective = EDGE_PERSPECTIVE

somewhere in your code.

Or, if your problem is wanting fullscreen, then you could use interface elements or java to grab the person's resolution, then divide x and y by 32 and round it, then set client.view to it. On the other hand, you could also have someone manually type their resolution, and then divide, round, and assign it that way; this way is not ideal, but as it stands BYOND has no built in way to detect screen resolution.
Not that you will also have to change the world.view/client.view to the size you need.
ok thanks so much, closed post.