when i set my damage to approximately 3 pervent of my power level, but when i go ssj (which multiplyes my power level 50 times) the first attack will will be 3 percent of my ssj power level, but after that all my stats go back down to the base, plase help

HP = 100
PL = 100
KI = 50
Base_PL = 100
Base_HP = 100
Base_KI = 50

attack(M as mob in oview(1))
usr << "You attack [M]!"
var/damage = PL / 100*3
world <<"[damage] damage!"
Base_PL += 50
Base_HP += 25
Base_KI += 15
usr.damage = PL / 100*3
usr.PL = Base_PL
usr.HP = Base_HP
usr.KI = Base_KI
M:HP -= damage

icon = 'namektrans.dmi'
icon_state = "auraon"
usr.PL = Base_PL*5
usr.HP = Base_HP*2.5
usr.KI = Base_KI*0.5
usr.damage = PL / 100*3
world << "The air around [usr] starts to ripple with energy!"

Those are my verbs can anyone tell me what i did wrong?

oops i uncluded the namek verb i meant to post the ssj verb here:

icon = 'trans_saiyan.dmi'
icon_state = "ssjanim"
icon_state = "ssj"
usr.PL = Base_PL*50
usr.HP = Base_HP*25
usr.KI = Base_KI*15
usr.damage = PL / 100*3
world <<"[usr] screams in rage, his hair turns golden, and the ground starts to trmble around him! [usr] IS A SUPER SAIYA-JIN!"

thats what i meant to post