Hey, has anyone played the DBZ SPAR game? Do you know how you get to choose features for you character (ie: hair color) and a preview was shown of what it would look like on you character? Well, i really want to do that. I know how to make it so you can choose hair style and hair color (using overlays) but i want them to preview it first. If you have any suggestions, please let me know. Thanx in advance.
SSTrunks7 wrote:
Hey, has anyone played the DBZ SPAR game? Do you know how you get to choose features for you character (ie: hair color) and a preview was shown of what it would look like on you character? Well, i really want to do that. I know how to make it so you can choose hair style and hair color (using overlays) but i want them to preview it first. If you have any suggestions, please let me know. Thanx in advance.

wrong forum, i dont see how this is a code problem that you are having, it should be in the creations forum or the babble forum, especially if its a suggestion for another game, which has no relation to this DEVELOPMENT forum for byond.

In response to FIREking
Ummmm, sorry i guess, i looked throught the forums you suggested and there is nothin like my post. I wanted to know what kind of CODE is used to do this. If anyone can HELP let me know.....CODE + HELP = CODE PROBLEMS FORUM. Thanx.
In response to FIREking
I suggest you read his post more carefully, FireKing.