i have put ur leveling system code like its supposed to be. but, every time i go close to a mob it wont attack.
please help, since u know ur the only one who might know what to do.
Oct 13 2001, 2:52 pm
In response to Nadrew
i dont think so.
In response to Liushinkyu
Liushinkyu wrote:
i dont think so. Let me run a few tests and I will get back to you in a little bit. |
In response to Nadrew
sure thing. :')
In response to Liushinkyu
Liushinkyu wrote:
sure thing. :') Hmm it seems to work fine with me it may be clashing with some of your other code,what other librarys are you using? |
In response to Nadrew
im using your leveling system, and the character choice one. ill post the code i got from your leveling system and tell me whats wrong. mob/verb/Attack()//This makes it so you can attack any mob within one tile of you set src in oview(1) var/damage=2*usr.Level//This makes a damage var if(src==usr) ..() src<<"[usr] has attacked you" usr<<"You Attacked [src]"//this outputs a certain msg src.Health-=damage//This takes the amount that the damage var equals from M's health usr.Exp+=10 usr.Statup+=1 if(src.Health<=0) src.Health=src.MaxHealth src.loc=locate('600.dmp')//Change these numbers to the location you want the defeated person to go after he/she dies Levelup()//This calls the Levelup proc as defined in the other file Statup() mob/verb/Look() set src in oview(5) usr<<"Health:[src.Health]" mob var Health=100 MaxHealth=100 Exp=0 MaxExp=1000 Level=1 Statup=0 Stat() statpanel("Stats") stat("Health","[src.Health]/[src.MaxHealth]") stat("Experience","[src.Exp]/[src.MaxExp]") stat("Level",Level) proc/Statup() if(usr.Statup>=20) usr.MaxHealth+=10 usr.Statup=0 usr<<"<font color=blue>Your Stats are Higher" proc/Levelup() if(usr.Exp>=usr.MaxExp) usr.Level+=1 usr.Exp=0 usr.MaxExp*=2//This doubles the MaxExp var usr<<"<font color=blue>You have gained a level" I think thats all of it |
In response to Liushinkyu
Liushinkyu wrote:
well > mob/verb/Attack()//This makes it so you can attack any mob within one tile of you |
In response to Nadrew
thanx alot, it works now. :')
In response to Liushinkyu
Liushinkyu wrote:
thanx alot, it works now. :') Well all that commotion over a simple else clause... |
Did you make any modifications at all?