Ok this is quite a confusing lib to work through, even though I got the code working fine. I was having problems with the months, but got that working. Now I just need to know.

1) It currently reads the year, 2022 as the game year. Where can I change this to read something like 5000 B.C.?
Also keep in mind that I will be reversing the years from normal. So each year will -1, instead of increase by +1.
Up until the year 1 A.D.

LordJR wrote:
Ok this is quite a confusing lib to work through, even though I got the code working fine.

Did you look in the file? Each function there explains itself and there is lots of sample code.

1) It currently read the year, 2022. Where can I change this to read something like 5000 B.C.?

Looks like I need to do some work to handle "negative" dates, and to support printing of A.D. or B.C. I'll put that on the list.

2) For my game I've renamed all 12 months of the year, I've got a List made per the code, but it still reads July. How do I get it to take from my month names in the list I've made?

See the complete sample code for setMonthNames() in the file. I just tested the sample code and it works.
In response to Deadron
yeah man thanks.. I got everything working fine now, except the need for A.D. and B.C. like you said.

Also negative years. Let me know when u have something so I can update the LIB. I'll just put this on the back burner till then. Thanks