when people logout, there character stays there, i dunno why either. heres what i got in login, but i dont understand the Logout part

name = "Knights of the Round"
mob = /mob/create_character
view = 7
turf = /turf/grass

var/charactername = input("Choose Character Name","Name",src.key)
switch(input("Choose Your Race","Race") in list("Human","Undead","Elf","Black Man","Wizard","Dark Knight"))
character = new /mob/Human()
character = new /mob/Undead()
character = new /mob/Elf()
if("Black Man")
character = new /mob/Black_Human()
character = new /mob/Wizard()
if("Dark Knight")
character = new /mob/DarkNight() = charactername
src.client.mob = character
I don't see where you're calling Logout().
Dont del src in Login. THis is how you get rid of them. Its very Simple.

In response to Nadrew
Heheh Nadrew I am already ahead of you.
In response to Darke Rage
You should let him relize this mistake instead of just handing it to him.
In response to Nadrew
In response to Darke Rage
cool thanks it worked, and to not PAM, ill just post my problems on this topic k?
In response to Nadrew
im not sure if there was a topic already but, mosst games have NPCs selling weapons and stuff. How would you do that? ive made a shop and about 5 obj - toast, fruit, veggies, noodles. not too sure on how to set them up in a list to buy
In response to Nadrew
Nadrew or anyone, i know im a pest but, can anyone get me started with Stats?
i wanted:


if you can get my stats started it will help out alot, I just need the beginning code and then I can fix it up cause I dont get how to start the stats like increasing by code
In response to Migzor
There's a example of statpanels in my Leveling system.
In response to Darke Rage
Darke Rage wrote:
Dont del src in Login. THis is how you get rid of them. Its very Simple.

You are correct about Logout(), but not about Login(). He needs to del(src) in Login() because he has just moved the player to another mob and he wants to delete the old mob.
In response to Migzor
Migzor wrote:
cool thanks it worked, and to not PAM, ill just post my problems on this topic k?

Actually, you are more likely to get useful answers if you post a separate thread with a descriptive subject line for each problem you have. Appending new problems to old threads just clutters the view with problems that have already been resolved for users in thread view.