i know its been asked but i searched throughout the forum.
How could i accomplish this?
Dec 12 2001, 1:45 pm
In response to Lummox JR
umm ok........errrr
when you walk to a door, how can i make it teleport you to a location on the map? |
In response to Migzor
Look up Enter() and Entered()
In response to Migzor
Migzor wrote:
umm ok........errrr obj/door Enter(mob/M) M.loc=locate(1,1,1) //or (/turf/doormat) ..() |
In response to Air _King
icon = 'turfs.dmi' icon_state="door1" Enter(mob/M) M.loc=locate(6,7,1) ..() M.loc=locate(6,7,1) <---- right here is says bad var turfs.dm:186:error:M.loc:bad var how can i fix that? |
In response to Migzor
Indent everything under Enter() over one.
In response to Nadrew
LOL, Nadrew tell him to go look and learn, and someone just gives him the code formation.
Stealth2k |
Umm.... door.dmi would be an icon file, not an icon, and an icon is not an obj or a turf, so... what the heck are you asking here?
Lummox JR