If you fancy yourself a game designer, then you need to be watching Flappy Bird MMO and Twitch Plays Pokemon. Now. Not several days from now, not when you remember to. You need to immerse yourself in it while it is still happening.

Earlier today I played a single instance of Pokemon Red with 120,000 other people - and defeated Giovanni. Just a couple days before I played Flappy Bird with 49 other people (50 per server, I was in server 17) and saw how playing together completely changed the game.

This is where games are going, and the Holy Helix Fossil will lead us.
I think you're being silly, and the message you're preaching is going to go through everyone's ears here, and out the other side.
In response to D4RK3 54B3R
D4RK3 54B3R wrote:
I think you're being silly, and the message you're preaching is going to go through everyone's ears here, and out the other side.

I can't help but feel like I'm witnessing the birth of the singularity. It's like Brett lendon's ranch.
Gah, I suck at Flappy Bird. Haha.
and the funny thing is flappy can be made in like 10 seconds in DM
My highscore on flappy bird is 40 D:
In response to EmpirezTeam
In response to Travylleb
Travylleb wrote:

It can.
Twitch Plays Pokemon is pretty crazy, and delightful.
In response to EmpirezTeam
EmpirezTeam wrote:
and the funny thing is flappy can be made in like 10 seconds in DM

but the important thing is that you would have to register an account and download a launcher in order to play it...

just sayin'
How da faq did they get through the rocket maze?

Whatever, they'll never get strength.
It's not a sarcasm right, lol it's an agreeing right!
Twitch plays Pokemon seems like complete chaos. Maybe it's because anarchy is winning right now; I'm not really sure how this is working. We're about to lose to a Gastly that's half our level because we can't agree on the right thing to do. It's painful to watch them try to move the character around too. We've been stuck in a Pokemon Center for like 5 minutes moving around randomly.
I especially like the part where lvl 48 pidgeot lost to a lvl 22 haunter because it has no special attacks.

UDPATE: They're trying to release bird jesus because it has no special attacks and can't beat ghosts.
In response to Fugsnarf
Well, that's partly the thing with it, it's chaos, and that chaos develops a kind of culture richness to it. You've got 80,000+ people enjoying a game of Pokemon Red, a game that they've probably all played individually a bunch of times and got bored with, and yet there's fan-art, memes, all sorts coming out of this one game.

Which is down to the curious play-style.
I don't know how it's fun to watch someone walk 4 spaces in the course of ten minutes. But to each their own I guess.
Good point, Stephen. That really put this into perspective. Both Flappy Bird and the original Pokemon games have become less entertaining for many of us to play alone partly due to how much time we've already put into them. (Flappy Bird only took one, short session of play to have that effect on me...) Adding a multiplayer aspect to these games has somehow breathed new life into both of them. Twitch plays Pokemon really is an interesting phenomenon. Just slapping multiple players into Pokemon Red like a normal MMO surely would not have had nearly the same social impact that this has.

By the way, they're also doing Pokemon Gold apparently. It has less people, so you actually feel like you're having an impact.
Everything is better with more ppl
In response to Critical172
I don't really agree with that. There are certain experiences in video games that are best suited to go through alone. Pokemon was made to be social; Flappy Bird as well, but to a lesser extent.
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