how would i make a credits tab, to add peoples name and comment? i really need ot thank some people.
just use a stat.
stat("Rcet","This guy gave me this code")

Migzor wrote:
how would i make a credits tab, to add peoples name and comment? i really need ot thank some people.

You could do this with the stat panel, but I think a good solution is to use a special verb called Credits, and when the user clicks that, send them an HTML page with your credits listed. The mini-browser can do all sorts of fun stuff.

You can send them the file like this:
set src = usr
usr << browse('credits.html')

Lummox JR
In response to Rcet

stat("Some weirdo","Oh.. he was just a tester. =/ LOL"
stat("Some dude","He seemed to like cheese?")
In response to ShadowSiientx
SS, please don't revive a long-dead thread just to post a useless response. The question was answered almost 6 months ago; you had nothing to add to it.

Lummox JR