Ok I can do this with a 2 step process, use a verb to change the obj's layer, which currently works. But I need a way to revert the objects layer back to normal once the MOB/PC has moved away in any direction from the object.
Now I know I can just make an /area with a Exited() process, but I'm working if there is an advanced obj or MOVE command I can use so I don't have to make and place areas for this object on the map?
![]() Dec 29 2001, 3:55 pm
Theoretically, this do_cool_stuff will fire up any time a mob moves from next to a turf, to further away. You might have to put in a spawn(1) before the distance check... just to make sure he's completed the step. I'm never sure where the location variable is changed timewise.
This is just off the top of my head, and pre-coffee, so do with it what is necessary. Let me know if it works!