Pokemon Serene Wishes

by Mitz001
Real-time Pokemon battle sim and features the most up-to-date roster you can play on the platform!
Game Release Hype!

Thanks to the closed and public testers, I am close to finishing the official server version. Just a heads up there will be no player wipes once the game is officially live unless the server fails on us, a game-breaking bug or a major update that requires having the saves deleted to avoid corrupt saves. Otherwise, everything will be fine and dandy! I'll be modding with Mitz001 for the first few weeks then most likely assign/hire a mod from the game to help me out since Mitz will be in-active after spring break anyway.
I'll put updates on the server status. If anything was damaged, we'll revert back to the saves before the underwater updates. I'll just host couple of Quadra QP, Exp and extend fossil events when the server is up later this morning.
i cant logged in it just showing the load button.
help me plz?
Now I can't seem to load the game. Whenever I try, it always gets stuck before the game loads. What's going on?
Server Crashed, Aezu has to restart it, which he will when he gets back.
Why has the game been down?? :(
How much longer you think till game is up????
Can't wait for the game to be back up! Its awesome :D
Looking for a secondary coder that can create an efficient saving system. If you want the game back-up, refer me someone that can make such a system. I will provide parts of codes that is needed for the save system codes, but not the whole src. PM me if anyone can help. I'll put the game up ASAP when the save system will work as expected. If possible, volunteers only thx
Amg your not dead *hugs* I'll help if you need it though I'm not the most excellent of coders :3
Hmm...took this long to see the messeage....i think i can help you to find a seconadry coder...but ill doubt if he/she is trustworthy......but ill see what i can do... see ya in 8 days
cant logged in....it keeps on saying "Connection Failed" for some F**king reason.....and the game got up too...>_<
Try reconnecting again, I asked a few ppl in-game already they said they didnt have trouble connecting. Message me on pager lets see if we can troubleshoot it.
Hey my internet is off and it won't be back on til tomorrow I'm typing this on my phone but I'm the ground gym leader and I had to make sure someone knew so my position isn't taken
Update I suspect?
Will this make a comeback?
Might as well leave a review before the final game is published and maybe my input will change.

What I liked: Art was pretty cool, nice vibrant colors. Sprites were done pretty good from what I saw. The tournament event area was gorgeous.

What I disliked: I don't really having anything to say here. Then again, this might be a pet peeve. When the game becomes a bit more popular say... more than 20 people your bound to have clones popping all around. What I mean by this is the character Icon list is way too small. I recommend making a base icon (meaning a naked bald male (or female)) Add make icons of different hairs clothes and accessories for people to wear and put in stores for people to purchase and it would be a great addition to your token system. The different combinations would give characters individuality which was a great addition to the 6 gen games.

What I liked: I wouldn't be lying if I said, "The type switching was a great idea to enhance the bump system". It can really turn the flow of battle.

What I disliked: It was hard to tell what the pokemon were type switching to. Maybe add a glow when the pokemon type switches to? Colors vary based on type, you know that sort of thing.

Environment Interaction:
What I liked: Interaction with npcs is good tap Z and good to go. Pokemon appear in the grass like every pokemon which is essential.

What I disliked: As for environment and terrain Would like to see trees fall or something when you bump into it depending on the pokemon.

GM Dependability: Greg is a great gm,So is Kazama 10/10 everyone else... I didn't meet or sucked ass... tbh.

I am not gonna lie, people kiss ass in this game even if it means to glorify the game. This is an unfinished game hence why it's in a TESTING Version. The hub even says it encourages feedback.Yet, people refuse to accept the fact that there are just some things that need improvement in the game to set it apart from other games. They would call constructive criticism: bashing. Which to separate things.
It's pretty much in comparison to Homestuck fans ... just no more please. Once in a while you, find bad people and once in a while, you find pretty decent people. I am sure everyone else is decent though. Bullying just makes the game unapproachable really. Yet I am glad there are countermeasures for this.

Final Conclusion, 3/5 stars
It's a fun game, nothing spectacular about it, just a fun game. Sure it needs improvements here and there but for the most part it's got the basics down. You can only go up from here!

Other things you might want to add: Music, sound effects. It's a silent movie without one. (no one in this day and age likes silent movies)
You should make a RP server for your game, with an emote verb and everything. You'd have 60 new players over night. The new popularity might mean more people on the PvP server too.